Chapter 24

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Ryan's P.O.V:

The sun shown in through the blinds of Addie's bedroom right into Ryan’s eyes. Groggily, he rolled over and tried to hide his face in his pillow so that the light wouldn't completely wake him up and he could sleep a little bit longer. However, a still body was preventing him from doing this. He was about to complain about not being able to move, but the sudden warmth that flooded through his body silenced his protest.

He lifted his heavy head up and cracked one of his eyes, wincing at the sudden light. He looked down and saw Addie laying there peacefully sleeping in his arms with her head resting on his chest. Memories of what happened between them at the lake yesterday surfaced in his mind and brought a sleepy smile to his face.

That smile quickly faded when he thought about his thoughts after she fell asleep last night. Did he really love her? Could he ever really love anyone other than himself? He didn't know the answer to this, but he wasn't about to let the opportunity to find out run away without him. He had never actually loved someone. Sure he cared about his family, but they were never there for him since they were at work all the time so he pretty much just took care of himself. He knew his parents were just trying to provide for him but he still found himself wishing that they could have been around more. Maybe Addie was his version of what love was like in this world.

He leaned down to press a light kiss to her forehead before untangling himself from her grasp. She stirred slightly from his absence but soon settled for cuddling the pillow Ryan was previously laying on. The smile on his face was unavoidable as he looked down at the precious angle in his bed. He didn’t know how anyone could ever mistreat her. She was downright the sweetest thing, and she deserved nothing but the best… especially after everything she’s had to go through in her short 17 years.

With one last longing glance, he turned and walked out of the room and down the stairs to make Addie and himself some breakfast. After making it down the stairs he thought he saw something move past the window in the kitchen. He couldn’t tell if it was just a tree or just something blown around by the wind, but either way he decided he needed to check it out just in case.

Ryan's eyebrows furred as he made his way over towards the window. When he looked out he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Shaking his head he decided that he was just worked up about everything going on with Addie and that it was nothing. He wanted to just get breakfast done, and then they could head off to school.

He grabbed everything he would need in order to make pancakes and bacon. He mixed everything together and had already cooked one pancake when he felt two small arms wrap around his waist. He couldn't help but smile over his shoulder at the sleepy innocent girl holding onto him. She had her head turned to the side resting against his back as she closed her eyes.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said as he continued to watch her over his shoulder. Addie smiled back in response before placing a swift kiss to his bare back and made her way over to the counter beside me to sit down. He watched her movements for a second before turning back to the food, making sure it didn’t burn.

She hoisted herself up and sat quietly as I finished up our breakfast. Ryan found it difficult to actually concentrate on cooking when she was sitting so close to him watching him so intently. He wanted to forget about the food that was being cooked and move to stand between those incredibly sexy thighs of hers and kiss her forever. But he knew she needed to eat and that in itself sobered his thoughts up a little bit.

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