Chapter 6

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Addie’s P.O.V:

The sun light shining through Addie's window woke her up from her peaceful slumber. That was the best that she slept in a long time. Opening her eyes, she noticed she was alone, but there was a not beside her bed on the table. She expected her mom to be here with her, but she wasn’t. Maybe the note was from her mom saying she had to run to the store or something like that. Curiously, Addie picked it up and read it to herself.

"Addie, your father and I went back to the house. He said he didn't want to be there anymore and I thought it would be better if I just took him back home so he didn't cause a scene. You know how he gets. Anyway, a nice young man that visited yesterday said that he would be glad to bring you home. We talked to the doctors and you should be released today. Anyway, I love you darling. Mommy."

Adelynne crumpled up the piece of paper and threw on the floor by the door. She couldn't believe they weren't here. She was in the hospital for Christ's sakes! It was as if they didn't have a responsibility towards her. It was as if I'm just a friend, not even a close one at that. She was about to cross her breaking point with her family. She was passed it with her dad, but she was still hoping her mother would pull through and start actually acting like her mother and not some stranger living in the same house. Guess she her hopes for that were pretty much gone now.

The door to her room opened pulling her out of her thoughts. Expecting to see Jason, seeing as he was the one who was supposed to take her home, she was thrown off guard to see none other than Ryan Adams standing in her doorway. He was wearing a plain dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt. Addie looked as his muscle and how they seemed to bulge from beneath his shirt. Addie couldn't stop the thoughts of how good he looked from running through her mind. As if he could read her mind, he smirked at her. Addie suddenly felt a tingly heat begin to make its way up her neck and onto her reddening face. She turned away trying to hide, but it did no good. His low chuckled echoed throughout the room.

"Addie, were you just checking me out?" he asked innocently with a smirk.

"Nope. There would actually have to be something worth checking out for me even to consider spending my time looking at it," she replied still not looking at him. "What are you doing here, Ryan?"

"I wanted to come see if you were okay. How are you, speaking of that?"

"Uhm, well thanks for coming, and I'm fine I guess," she replied nervously. She didn’t know how he knew she was in here in the first place, and even with that she didn’t know why he would care whether or not she was okay. They both knew that he only wanted one thing out of her.

"That's great. When are you getting out of this hell hole? Where are your parents at?" he kept rattling off question after question not giving her a chance to answer. Not understanding why he was asking all of these questions, she shrugged it off and decided to answer them anyways.

"I may be getting out today if the doctors let me. My parents aren't here. They left to go home sometime while I was asleep."

"They left? While their daughter is in the hospital? That's nice parenting right there, huh?" he shook his head from side to side laughing. He was laughing at her family! No one gets to make fun of her family, no matter how dysfunctional and downright unloving her family may be, nobody talks down about them. They can say whatever they want about her, she’s used to that. Everyone talks about her and she knows how to handle it most of the time, hell she's almost use to it by now. But when it comes to her family, they don’t know shit and have no right to judge them.

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