Chapter 34

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Ryan’s P.O.V:

He didn’t know what to say to her after her outburst. He understood that this was all hard for her to deal with, but what did he do to make her want to push him away when he was the one trying to help her. He wanted for her to want him near her, to need her near him… but that apparently wasn’t what she wanted.

He shook his head and turned to walk out of the room. He couldn’t be in the same room with her right now, not without saying something he would deeply regret later. He stormed out into the hallway and started towards the entrance. He needed to get out of this building so he could clear his mind. The one girl he’s ever actually loved is pushing him away, just like he asked her not to do. He gets it, she was raped and it’s difficult being around guys, but it wasn’t like he was just any guy. He was her boyfriend, or at least he thought he was.

Just as he was about to step out of the door, he bumped into someone trying to come in. The person started to fall backwards, so Ryan reached out to catch them. He expected it to be some lonely girl but he was shocked to look down to see his mother. Ryan couldn’t help but smile as he straighten Abby up and wrapped his arms around her.

“Mom, what are you doing here?” he asked as he pulled away and smiled down at her.

“Ryan, I hear my son’s girlfriend is raped and beaten and you expect me to stay away. I know you need me here, whether you are going to admit this or not.” Ryan couldn’t help but smile at the woman. He pulled her into his arms again and just let her hold him like he really needed.

This is what he needed. His mother knew how to calm him down, but who knew what was going to happen from here on. At least he would have her to be there for him.

“Did dad come with you? Or did he have to stay at work?” Ryan asked as he and his mother took a seat in the chairs in the lobby. He wanted to go see Addie again, but he also knew that she most likely wouldn’t allow him back in there right now, especially after everything.

“No he had to stay. He won’t be coming home that often, like before, but I’ve taken a break from my job.” Ryan’s head shot up at her words in surprise. She was going to stay? “Yes, you can stop looking at me like that,” she laughed as she patted his shoulder. “You need me right now… and I know Addie will need a woman figure in her life after this traumatizing attack. I know you want to be the one to help her through this, but Ryan, sweetie you have to understand that she won’t want to be that close to any male person for a while. That’s one of the reason I came back. I’m going to help you both get through this, no matter what it takes.”

Ryan nodded his head in understanding. He knew what she was saying was right, and he was going to have to be patient with Addie. This wasn’t about what he wanted, it wasn’t even about what he needed right now. This was about what Addie needed to get through this, to be able to move on with her life without having to carry this with her for the rest of her life.

Suddenly he felt the need to go apologize for his behavior early. He had no right, like she said, to act the way she did. She was traumatized and here he was mad and upset that she was pushing him away. He figured that he could go apologize and then let his mother talk to her.

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