Chapter 23

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Addie's P.O.V:

The water was unbelievably calming under Addie's feet. She sat at the edge of the dock wither feet kicking back and forth in the water as she watched Ryan swim around. She couldn't believe that she had never done this before! The water sloshed up to her calves and Addie leaned her head back and sighed in contempt. She felt as if everything that had happened earlier had just washed away into the water.

"Uhm, Addie are you going to come in, or are you going to just sit there and watch me swim around?" Ryan's voice asked bringing Addie out of her thoughts and back into what she was currently doing. She was supposed to be getting in the water with him. She was scared, if she were being honest.

So scared that she had pretty much forgotten that she was sitting there in nothing but her under garments in front of this gorgeous creature. Remembering that made her want to turn around and throw on something but she didn’t want to go and have to explain to Ryan what she was doing.

She lowered herself into the water, it only reaching up a little past mid-thigh. If she was being honest, she was still scared to go any further into the water. All she could picture was herself drowning because she didn't know what she was doing. But Ryan wouldn't let that happen, right? He would save her like he always seems to do. She went to step further into the water, but her feet seemed to be suck in the mud that oozed around her feet beneath her weight.

"Addie? Are you okay?" Ryan asked with concerned written on his face. When Addie didn't answer back, he began to make his way out of the deeper parts of the lake towards Addie. "Hey, it's okay. I won't let anything happen to you. You can trust me Adelynne," Ryan explained as he took her hands in his own and slowly began walking back into the water. Addie knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to her, but that did nothing to calm her nerves.

Addie still showed some resistance at first, but eventually allowed Ryan to pull her fully into the water. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let him practically carry her further in. When the water began to travel above her waist, Addie's breathing picked up, and she unknowingly tightened her arms around his neck. Ryan took notice in this and slowed his pace so she could get use to the feel of the water around her.

After a couple of minutes, they began walking again. The water was now just below Ryan's chest, which made it cover about half of Addie's. Addie took a deep breath as he took another step forward, but suddenly her arms slipped from around his neck and her head was under the water in seconds.

Everything was happening in slow motion. Addie could feel the water rush all around her and all of a sudden she couldn’t breathe. She wanted to just take a deep breath and be able to relax on the dock, but that wasn’t what was going on right now. She couldn’t see what was going on, all she could do was sink beneath the water.

She didn't know what to do. She was too scared to do anything. So she continued to fall to the bottom of the lake, the entire time looking up at the surface of the water. 'This is it' Addie thought to herself. She closed her eyes and suddenly felt a pair of hands on her arms. Addie's head broke through the surface and she clung to whoever it was that had saved her.

She took in a big breath and tried to calm herself down and figure out what was going on around her.

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