Chapter 18

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Addie's P.O.V:

The doctor walked into the room, waking Addie from her slumber. She didn’t know how long they had been asleep, but she really didn’t care either. She was in Ryan’s arms, safe and that was all that mattered to her. She yawned and tried to bury her face deeper into Ryan's chest. She knew she had to wake up so she could talk to the doctor, but she also knew that he would make Ryan move so he could examine her and she didn’t want Ryan to move anywhere.

"Adelynne, how are you feeling?" he asked not even bothering to look up from his clipboard. She could tell that he was tired by the bags under his eyes. She would never understand how doctors do it. They stay up helping people all hours of the day and night and then do it all over again the next day. When he finally did look up, Addie realized it wasn't because he was concerned for her but instead because she hadn't answered right away.

"Oh, uhm, I'm fine. My head still hurts just a bit but nothing to serious," she explained not looking away from the old man in front of her. She felt something grip her hand startling her, but she quickly relaxed when she recognized that it was Ryan’s touch. When she looked down she saw Ryan had placed his hand in her own. She looked up at him and smiled widely. She loved that he was here with her. She wouldn’t ask for anyone else to be with her right now… except maybe her mother, who still has yet to visit her.

"Good. It's normal for your head to be a little sore. Your mom is filling out your paperwork now, when she is done you are free to leave whenever you feel ready. Don’t rush into everything right away. You still need to rest and make sure you don’t get stressed out too much. If there are any problems, just have your mom bring you back and I’ll see what’s going on," he explained with the fakest smile Addie had ever seen in her life. After Addie nodded her head in understanding, he turned and left the room without another word.

"He's an asshole!" Addie exclaimed as soon as the door was closed and he was out of ear shot. The chuckle she heard from beside her made her blush. Did she just say that out loud? She had, hadn't she? She looked over to Ryan to see a big smile planted on his face. She couldn’t help but stare at him. She could spend the rest of her life staring at him… and she would if given the chance. ‘Wait, what?’ she thought to herself at the thought that ran through her head. She cared about Ryan and she knew she really, really liked him… but was she ready for that type of commitment? She came out of her thoughts and looked at his beautiful face again and everything was wiped from her mind except him.

'God he is beautiful! Too beautiful, actually!' Addie thought to herself. When his smile turned into a smirk, she knew she had been staring at him for too long. She could feel her face heating up in embarrassment. It never seemed to fail that he caused her to blush. All he had to do was just look at her, and her face would go red in a second. 

Addie turned her head further into Ryan's chest in attempt to hide her horrendous blush. This action, however, only caused Ryan to chuckle even more. She felt two fingers go under her chin and lift it up until she was met by his green orbs.

"You don't have to be embarrassed around me, you know? I like you for you. Everything from your adorable innocent blush that I always seem to find on your beautiful face, to your stubborn side that makes me what to punch a wall. Don't hide from me, okay?"

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