Chapter 27

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Ryan's P.O.V:

"I love you," was all she said before she fled from the room without waiting for so much as a response from Ryan. He knew that he should go after her… that it wasn't safe for her to be alone right now, but he just couldn't seem to make himself get up and go find her, but he couldn’t bring himself to get off of his bed.

He didn't even know if she was still in this house. He wanted so bad to tell her he loved her back, but the words she had said cut him down deep. Ryan could literally feel his heart begin to break into a million tiny pieces because she said everyone would be better off without her. That she didn't want to be here. He thought she was starting to stop thinking like that about herself, but he was wrong evidently.

Did that mean she didn't want to be with him? God he hoped not. He didn't know what he would do if she were to walk through that door right and tell him she never wanted to see him again. It would break him. He needed Addie a lot more than he ever intended to in the beginning. This all started with a stupid history project and his player ways. Ryan just thought Addie was going to be just another girl that he got to sleep with, but she's different.

She got through to him in ways no one else has ever been able to get through to. She broke down his walls and made him love her. He could ever hurt her, not at all like he was planning on in the beginning. She had the power to hurt him, and her words did just that. No matter how bad it hurt to hear those dreadful words fall past her beautiful lips, he loved her with every little broken piece of his heart. He knew he had to go find her, to tell her that it's all okay and that he loves her and that they'll make it through anything. They had to… Ryan couldn’t do this without her and he refused to.

Standing from the bed, Ryan quickly made his way out of the room and down the stairs in search for the hurting girl. He flew down the stairs in a flash and started looking around the house for her. Addie wasn't in the living room so he continued to walk on through the house, hoping to find her somewhere. He hoped that she didn’t leave. He didn’t know what he would do if he had forced her out of his life because he couldn’t see things from her point of view. As he walked down the hallway, he passed the closed bathroom door, he heard a quiet whimper.

Stopping suddenly, Ryan knocked on the door.

"Addie? Are you in there?" Another whimper was heard through the door, so Ryan knocked again thinking maybe she just didn't hear him the first time. "Addie, please open the door," he tried again, but she still refused to answer or open the door. "I'm coming in," he said as he turned the knob and pushed the door open. The sight he saw was not what he was prepared to see.

Addie was sitting with her back against the wall, but that's not what shocked Ryan. No, the blood running from her wrist and pooling beneath her arm was what shocked him. Ryan couldn't bring himself to move, all he could do was stare at the blood. Another whimper fell past Addie's lips and that was all it took for Ryan to snap out of this dazed state and move to help her stop the bleeding. He couldn’t believe that she did this again. She promised that she wouldn’t hurt herself anymore, yet here she was in the bathroom bleeding.

"I'm s-sorry, Ryan," Addie whispered through her tears. Her face tightened as what Ryan guessed was a shot of pain went through her arm. "I didn't mean to do this, I'm so sorry."

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