Chapter 14

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Addie's P.O.V:

Addie rolled over onto her back. She was on the floor, that much she could tell but it was really dark. Pain shot through her entire body, mainly her head. Groaning, she tried to reach up and hold her head but soon realized that her hands weren't moving. Looking down at them, she saw a single black zip tie binding them together in her lap.

Addie tried pulling her hands apart hoping to break the tie, but to no avail they didn’t break. After only thirty seconds of pulling, Addie felt a sharp pain in both of her wrists. Blood began to seep out from underneath the zip tie. Watching the blood fall from her hands Addie's tears began to fall. She felt so hopeless at this point. She was never going to be found, she was going to die down here mostly likely by her own father’s hand and there wasn’t anything she could do about it.

"Hello?" Addie called out to anyone who could hear her. She didn’t think anyone was around, but she figured she might as well try. The last thing she remembered was her father showing up at the park when she was on the phone with Ryan. She started screaming, he started towards her, and then… nothing. It was just blank.

'Ryan!' Addie thought to herself. He is probably freaking out right now! Or at least that's what Addie wanted to think. 'He doesn't care about you, remember? He let everyone hurt you and he just stood there and watched. He probably doesn't even care that you were taken!' Addie couldn't slow down the tears that were now falling. She didn’t want to believe the voice inside her head, but she knew it was probably true. Why would he care that I was taken? It’s just one little thing he doesn’t have to care for, or at least pretend to care for anymore.

"Aw, Adelynne. I see you finally woke up. That's good, now we can have some fun," a sick familiar voice rang throughout the room. Addie cringed at the sound of her father's voice. Why was he treating her this way? What had she done to turn him against her so much? She knew that they were never close or anything of the sorts, but did she really deserve this from her family. This man was supposed to love her no matter what, and here he was tying her up and taking her away from her life, no matter how pathetic it is, it was still her life.

"Why are you doing this?" Addie asked shakily, refusing to look at the horrible man standing so close to her she could feel his breath. She pulled away from him, trying to put some form of distance between them, but it was never enough.

"Why am I doing this? Oh, Adelynne don't you get it?" Addie looked at him for the first time to see him shaking his head with a sick smile spreading across his face. "I never wanted you, Adelynne. Did you know that? I'm sure you didn't. From the time you were born I began to spend more and more time away from you and your mother. Eventually, I found it was a lot more fun to go to the bar and just get drunk so that when I did finally have to return to you two, I wouldn't have to deal with you because I was physically unable to. It always made it so much easier."  Addie couldn't believe what she was hearing. He never wanted her! If he didn't want her then why is was he keeping her now? Anger build up inside of her and Addie just blew up. She didn’t know where this courage was coming from but she sure as hell wasn’t about to let it go to waste, no matter the consequences.

"Why are you telling me this? Do you think it will change anything? It won't! I hate you! You are not my father, you are nothing but a fucking monster!" Addie screamed at the man standing in front of her. "If you never wanted me then why the fuck would you want to take me away so you have to watch me?! Why not just leave town? No one wants you around anyway! Don't you see that?! We left your drunk ass and we haven't, and never will, come back!" Addie was on her feet by the end of her rant. She didn’t know when she had stood up, or even how she got to her feet really, but she was now standing toe to toe with an evil monster. It was too late to do anything when she realized that that was a bad idea.

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