Chapter 16

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Ryan's P.O.V:

A coma? Adelynne was in a coma, and it was all Ryan's fault, or at least that's how he saw it. None of this would have happened if he would have just said one thing that morning at school. Just one word would have prevented all of this. All of this pain and heartache could have easily been avoided. Addie wouldn't be lying here unconscious and Ryan wouldn't be here blaming everything on himself.

She looked really peaceful laying there. It was like she didn’t feel anything at all, almost like she wasn’t even there. Ryan wished she would just open her green eyes and look at him like she had when she saw him at the house. At this point, he didn’t care if she ever looked at him like that again, he just wanted her to open her eyes and look at him right now. He could get over losing her affection because she would at least be awake and okay.

Reaching over, Ryan took Addie's small weak hand in his own. His hand dwarfed hers in comparison of size. Ryan slowly traced his thumb across her knuckles. Her skin was really pale right now, the doctors had told them that she would be paler than usual for a couple of days because of the amount of blood she lost between the cut on her leg, which they stitched up, and the wound in her stomach. Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked upon her unmoving face.  Quickly wiping away the unwelcomed tears, Ryan forced his eyes away from Addie. He just couldn't look at her knowing she shouldn't be lying here like this. HE would give anything to change places with her so that he was the one lying there on that bed… not her.

"I know you probably can't even hear me right now, but the doctors said that you can hear when people talk to you so I guess it wouldn't hurt to try,” Ryan whispered to her as he turned his eyes to look anywhere but at her. “I don’t know why I’m supposed to say here. I’ve seen movies where they talk to the person and then they magically wake up, but that’s not how any of this really happens. I wish it was, but it isn’t. I really need you to wake up, Addie. I feel like this is all my fault, and I know you told me not to take the blame for this, that it wasn't my fault but I can't help it! You shouldn't even be lying here in the damn hospital!” He had to pause to take a deep breath to try to slow the tears. His voice was shaking and he could feel himself about to break down.

“If I had just said something at school to all of those stupid bitches you wouldn't have left! I feel so responsible for this and I just can't get it out of my head that you could have died tonight. If that would have happened I don't think I would ever be able to forgive myself! So please, Adelynne you have to wake up soon! I can't go on knowing that I have to go on living my life like nothing has happened when you're laying here like this." Ryan still couldn't bring himself to look back at Addie's face, so instead he focused his gaze on their joined hands. Instead of saying anything else, he leaned forward and layed his forehead against her hand and just closed his eyes.

"Ryan, sweetie, you can't think that way," a voice said from behind him. He turned around to see Jean standing there with tears in her eyes. Ryan felt bad for feeling sorry for himself during this whole ordeal, instead of thinking about how Addie’s mother was feeling. "You have to stay positive, okay? I know you blame yourself for this, but you’re not alone. I blame myself for this, too. If I had only left John a long time ago when I knew I should have, none of this would be happening. But Addie's right, we can't blame ourselves for something that son of a bitch has done." Ryan looked back down to where his hand was intertwined with the beautiful girls laying before him. "I can see how much you care for her," Jean walked over and put her hand on Ryan's shoulder. "You can deny it all you want to everyone else, but I can see it when you look at her. I know because I used to have the same look when I first met John, before he changed into the monster he is today. You love her, don't you?" she asked with a knowing look on her face.

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