Chapter 12

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Addie's P.O.V:

The ride to school was silent, and Addie didn’t know what to do about it at the moment. Addie didn't know what to say to break the silence that had settled inside the cabin of Ryan’s truck. She didn’t know if Ryan just didn’t want to talk to her, or if he was just focusing on driving them to school but either way she didn’t like it one bit.

Way too soon for her liking, Ryan pulled into the school parking lot. Addie looked around to see who all was there, hoping not many people were. She thought that maybe if there weren’t a lot of people she could sneak inside the school without anyone noticing who she rode to school with. She didn’t want to have to deal with that drama just yet. However, luck was not going good for Addie apparently. Everyone was outside the school talking amongst each other.

"You okay, Addie?" Ryan's voice broke into her thoughts of how awful this was going to be. She merely shook her head and looked him in the eyes. "What is it?" She didn’t know exactly how to respond to that. Everything was wrong in Addie’s opinion. She was having to stay at a guy’s house who wants nothing but to sleep with her because her psychotic father went crazy, and now she was having to come to school with the known man whore and deal with everyone making fun of her pathetic life and calling her all sorts of names.

"You are driving to school with the most unpopular girl in school, Ryan. You realize that right?" Addie asked looking at him. Neither of them had made any attempt to get out of his now parked truck.  He just shrugged and finally got out of the truck. He was about to shut the door when he looked back at Addie and saw her still sitting there, immobile.

"You coming, or are you going to sit there and wait for the bell to ring?" he asked with a hint of annoyance laced in his voice, but not in a bad way. Addie could also hear the teasing in his voice but that didn't ease her nerves at all.

"In a minute maybe," she replied looking back at the swarm of people across the lawn of grass. Just as she looked over there, Stacy caught her eye.

'Great! Here we go,' Addie thought to herself. Addie hurried out of the truck, hoping to get in the building and to class before they decided to make she made her way over to where she was. But when she risked another glance in that direction, Addie became horrified when she saw both Stacy and Brit walking towards her with the sick gleam in their eyes that Addie knew all too well.

She was trying not to panic. She looked over at Ryan who was on his phone again. "So, I'll meet you here at the end of the day, or are you going to your friend’s house?" she asked quickly trying to hurry up and leave.

"I'll meet you here," he said sending her a warm smile. She nodded and began to walk towards the side entrance. However, she didn't make it far. A hand gripping her arm made her stop and turn to face the two people she really didn't want to face right now.

Addie closed her eyes and waited as long as possible to have to actually face them. She didn’t want to have to do any of this this morning. She already had problems with Ryan this morning, and now here she was having to deal with Stacy and her dumb ass wannabe minions.

"Addie! What are you doing with, Ryan Adams? You know he is WAY out of your league. In fact, everyone is out of your league. Isn't that right, Brit?" She looked over at her little minion and smirked. Addie took the distraction as a chance to leave, but was once again stopped. "No, you get to stay right here with us. Ryan, what are you doing driving little Addie to school?" She turned her attention to Ryan, who didn't answer her. He gave Addie one glance before turning back to his phone. He wasn’t even going to try to help her out? Addie knew she shouldn’t be surprised but she couldn’t help but find herself slightly disappointed by his silence.

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