🐰~Don't leave me Oppa..~🐰

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So this might include a little bit of angst..
Because it talks about Jin enlisting to the Korean Army and the reader is Jin's little sister.


Pairing: Older Brother! Jin x Reader


Third Person P.O.V

You were getting ready to go to bed after a long day of practicing Black Swan (Y'all if you haven't seen the dance or listened to the song, do it right now).

While you were thinking about all of the great times you had with your other band mates. One person crossed your mind.


No, something specific involving him. His enlistment. He was going to leave soon, to serve the army. That's all going to happen in June, right before your birthday.

The brother you have grown to love, the one that has helped you through those times you cried. He will leave just like that in less than a year.

You couldn't stop thinking about when that moment will come. When he will no longer be there for you, to hold your hand when you need him.

He was your guardian angel.

And he was going to leave your side..

"Y/n-ah? Are you okay?"

You turned to see your best friend, Jungkook stand there with a worried face.

"I'm okay Jungkook Oppa.. it's just that a lot has been in my mind today and I can't shake these thoughts away from me."

"It's about Jin Hyung, isn't it."

You turned to him in surprise and he just had a look of pity etched on his face. Of course he knew what was wrong, he had known you for nine years now.

"I know something is up with you about him. I won't intervene, but talk to him about it if you need to. It will help." Jungkook spoke while looking directly into your eyes.

You sighed in defeat, if you tried arguing with the bunny, he'll just encourage you more to do it. You learned that the hard way.

"Okay, thanks Jungkook Oppa. You are a really good friend." You said while smiling ruefully.

"No problem Maknae, I'm glad I can help you." He said while snuggling himself into his bed before drifting off to a peaceful sleep.

You sat in deep thought for a while, deciding if you should go to Jin now or the next day. Well, Yoongi was currently with Hoseok at the gym, so you could talk to him right now.

You got up and creeped through the hallway so you wouldn't disturb the other members. The dorm was really different without you guy's running around and messing with each other.

Those were the good times...

You spotted him in his room reading a book while he was sitting on his desk, he looked up to see you in your cute pajamas while he was smiling at you. You sat himself next to him while he was reading.

"Hi Y/n-ah, how are you?" He asked in his brotherly way.

"I'm fine Jin Oppa..." You said while trailing off, remembering why you were here in the first place.

You two then got settled comfortably in the bed while cuddling with each other and talking about the great times you had with each other.

You then started to bring up the reason why you were with Jin in the first place.

"Um, Jin Oppa? Can we talk about something that's been on my mind recently..?" You asked while looking directly into his starry eyes.

"Sure N/n, what is it?" He asked in his caring voice that made your heart shatter a bit.

"I'm scared...."

He then looked at you with worry, he looked at you with the same eyes he would whenever you were going through something bad.

He knew something was up....

"What are you scared of?" He asked in his protective brother tone, but still maintaining his caring and loving aura.

"Of the enlistment.... I can't go a day without thinking about it. You w-won't be here for me f-for two years. Two years Oppa... I can't stand the t-thought of it happening. Y-You won't be here for all t-the good times we shared w-with each other these p-past years. I don't want you to l-leave me, especially right before my b-birthday.... please.... don't leave me Oppa...."

By now, your crystal eyes were overflowing with shiny tears that could be seen glowing under the pale moonlight. You gripped onto his shirt like there was no tomorrow.

Jin just hugged you back in comfort while whispering into your ear to calm you down. He hated seeing his little sister like this, the one he has grown to love forever, despite the age difference between you two, you had the strongest brother and sister bond with each other.

Once you calmed down, he gripped your shoulders and made you face him.

"Listen to me Y/n. I'm not leaving anytime soon. I will always be here for you, even if I'm not there physically, I will never stop thinking about you. I will be back when I leave, I'll even send you letters if I have time. But promise me this, Y/n. Never stop smiling and being there for others, do it for me, for our members, for our family and for ARMY. I will be back Y/n, I promise you that." He said while staring directly into your eyes.

You just stood there dazed by his sudden outburst, you just hugged him while he hugged you back.

"I promise Oppa.."

"Good, don't be sad N/n. I will come back, I promise you that."

He then kissed your forehead and snuggled with you in his bed. This would happen when one of you guys felt in need for each other, it was that amazing relationship you guys had that made people's hearts melt at the sight of you two.

"I guarantee you Y/n, I will always be there for you. I love you Y/n."

"I love you too Oppa."


This was shorter than the rest of the chapters I have I know, I just needed to post something's a quick as possible before I can start working on bigger chapters.

I hope this was enough to satisfy you guys, Jin would be a great big brother smh, but I'm not ready for him to leave yet-

I haven't been an ARMY for that long, but I've grown to love these amazing people and that gave me the inspiration to write this book, and I'm loving it so far, and now Jin will leave soon. On June, fun fact that's my same birth month lol.

That's my only regret of joining this fandom, the time I joined WAS WAY TOO LATE. I could have found them earlier bUT nOoooOOo!! I had to be a lil dipsh!t and join too late, I wish I was there for their other moments they had TwT.

But enough of me, I'll see you in the next chapter~!!!


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