┗ Chapter Forty-Two ┓

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Turning my head around towards the voice, I am greeted with an all too familiar person. Who stood behind me just so happened to be a relative of mine.

"What? Not happy to see me?" They retort.

"I mean, yes I am, but not really, Emma" I glare at her. Emma was my older cousin on my dad's side of the family. We didn't particularly get along, but we put up with one another.

"Awww come on little Y/N," she pouts.

"I'm not 'little' anymore," I snapped back, "now if you'll excuse me, I need to eat something".

"But shouldn't you introduce me to your friends?"

"Why should I? You already know who they are."

"No need to be rude Y/N" Connor appears out of nowhere and drapes an arm around Emma. I mentally gag at the scene and turn around.

Before anyone could reply, someone announced for everyone's attention. We glance over to see Carolyn in front of the room with a smile on her face.

"Good evening everyone! I hope you guys enjoyed your dinner. First things first, we have some new people joining the community today and would like you guys to welcome them with open arms. If they would please come up and introduce themselves, then we can call it a night" she gestures for our group to come over.

One by one, each of us introduced ourselves, which made some people in the audience stare at the fact that BTS was in their presence. And I'll just say that I did receive some nasty looks when I introduced myself because I was with this 'famous group'.

After that spiel, everyone slowly went their separate ways. I picked up my empty plate and water bottle and went to throw them away.

"Y/N, can I speak with you for a moment?" Carolyn asks, walking up to me. Tossing the trash away, I turn to face her.

"Of course, what is it?"

"I heard that you have a family member staying here, is that correct?"

"Yes, my cousin Emma."

"Then that means you should stay at her place now."

"Huh?" I freeze in place, to say I wasn't shocked would be a lie. I guess it made sense... but I didn't want to.

"You have family here, so you don't have to stay with those men. I see you are a bit confused, I'll let you think on it tonight, but by tomorrow I should know your answer. Good night!" She waves goodbye and leaves me standing next to the trash can.

An arm makes its way around my waist and I'm snapped back into reality. I glance up to see Jungkook looking down at me with a worried face and I return with a sad smile.

"Is everything alright?"

"I'll talk about it back at the house with the members, okay?" He nods his head and leads the way.

Upon returning to the house, everyone was gathered in the living room just like earlier.

"About the time you guys got here, what took so long?" Jin asks.

"I had to speak with Carolyn" I rub my arm, looking down.

"What happened?" Jimin walks over to me and I bite my lip.

"She says..." my lips tremble before I clear my throat and look up at the group, "She says that I should stay with my cousin Emma instead of you guys because she is my family and it would be better."

Jungkook releases his arm from around me and I slightly missed the warmth it provided. The rest of the members just stared at me in shock.

"She said you should, not have to, you don't have to if you don't want to," Namjoon announces, "and besides, you're already a part of our family too." The rest of the group nods in agreement and I almost burst into tears.

"Thank you guys. She told me to answer her tomorrow so..." I explained.

"That's good," Taehyung smiles, "let's get situated to sleep, I'm sure we are all tired now."

"I checked the bedrooms in the house, there is 1 master bedroom with 1 big bed, 2 bedrooms with 2 twin side beds. I'm guessing 2 people share a room and the other can have the couch, which folds out into a bed" Seokjin chimes in, "and I already claimed the master bedroom." And with that he rushes to the said bedroom, which made all of us laugh a little.

"I can share a room with Jimin cause soulmates gotta stay together" Taehyung pulls Jimin into a hug.

"I'll take whatever room is not with Seokjin" Yoongi states and walks into one of them.

"That leaves us two, one can take the other bed with Yoongi or share with Seokjin" Namjoon says.

"Excuse me, we are not taking the couch again!" Jungkook butts in and pulls me into the last room that I suppose Vmin was gonna take. I stumble in as he shuts the door behind us.

"Jesus Christ Kookie, you didn't have to be that harsh" I groan and flop onto one of the beds.

"Well I wasn't taking the couch."

"For the record, it wasn't the couch we had, we had the floor. And besides, the couch pulls out into a bed too you know" I sit up and stare at him.


"Mhm" I laugh and begin untying my shoelaces. I feel the bed sink behind me and a head lays on my back. Once I succeed in taking both boots off, I toss them on the floor.

"If you're that tired, go lay in your own bed, ya dumbo," I push back on him and he just flops onto the bed.

"Buttttt-" he whines like a child.

"No buts, you wanted this room, so you have to sleep in your own bed" I turn around and cross my arms while looking at him.

"Oh fine then," he swiftly picks me up and exits the room.

"What in the- What the hell are you doing? Put me down!" I struggle to get out of his grip.

We enter the living room to see Vmin getting done pulling out the couch bed. They both look up at us and begin laughing. They instantly caught on and left into the room we came out of. Jungkook tosses me into the mattress and I instantly sit up to glare at him.

"I swear to god, you are too much to handle" I let out a sigh.

"Yeah, but you love me for that" he grins and crawls onto the mattress and pulls me into a hug. My eyes open wide at his words, did he just-

"Hm? You okay Y/N?" Jungkook glances down at me.

"You said the 'L' word" I whisper. He froze when he realized what he said. He reaches over the side of the couch and pulls out the all too familiar navy blue blanket, draping it over us.

"And I mean it Y/N," he kisses the top of my head, "I love you."

"I-I love you too, you idiot" I yawn as my eyes slowly close. I feel him chuckle before we both fall asleep.

Not Bitten || j.jkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें