┗ Chapter Seven ┓

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We sat there for a minute just staring at each other before finally breaking eye contact. I glance at the time and jump up from my spot. Jungkook got up as well, confused before noticing the time. 12:55

"Welp, guess I gotta get going then," I force a smile on my face, "thanks for doing my hair by the way."

"No problem" he genuinely smiles.

"Y/N! Are you ready?" Mr. Si-hyuk calls for me from the emergency door.

"Coming!" I reply and start to head on over when a hand grabs my arm. I was suddenly pulled into a hug for a split second.

"Stay safe, and make sure to come back alive" Jungkook whispers quickly into my ear. He releases me and I stand there frozen. Oh. My. God. What the heck just happened. Y/N wake up. Now is not the time to fangirl.

I break free from my current state and hurry my way over to the emergency door. Jaehyun and the two other workers were ready to go.

"Alright, so here's the deal. Try to get as much supplies as you can. Come back before dusk, got it?" Mr. Si-hyuk tells us as he begins to push open the door.

Jaehyun was the first to look out and turn to face us. He motions us to follow which proves that everything was in the all clear. Once we made it out, the door shut behind us. It became super silent except for the pounding of our hearts.

A flash of something was in front of my face which caused me to flinch back.

"Sorry," it was Jaehyun, "I know this is weird and all, but I managed to grab a few kitchen knives to protect ourselves." He was holding a knife in front of me and I grabbed onto it. It just felt wrong to hold a knife as the thought of killing someone with it made me almost drop it.

"The store is not that far away, there is actually one across the street" one worker whispers to everyone.

We were slowly approaching the end of the alleyway and got a good look at what the world has turned into. The streets were trashed all over, cars crashed into buildings, and even a part of a building was falling down.

It was surprisingly empty of all life forms, we couldn't see a single soul anywhere. This causes us to be more cautious because we didn't know if someone, or something, would jump out at us.

"Let's make this quick," Jaehyun whispers, "On the count of three we will run across the street. One, two, three!"

We make a dash for it, running like our lives depend on it. Upon reaching the other side, I quickly catch my breath, trying not to be too loud. Dang, I need to work out more.

Gladly everyone had made it safely over and apparently luck was on our side too. The store's windows were broken, which meant there won't be an alarm going off. We all take a look inside to try and see any movement.

"Okay, like Mr. Si-hyuk said, gather as much as we can. Let's split up and meet back here" the other worker explains. I carefully climb over the broken glass, feeling it crunch underneath my boots.

I make my way to the cold section and let out a sigh of relief. There were at least two cases of water bottles there, but they look pretty heavy. I walked back to the main area and saw something that caught my eye. There were some duffle bags which could come in handy. I grab one of them and return to the water bottles. I started stuffing them into the bag and once finished, I heaved the strap onto my shoulder. I return to the meeting spot and only spot two people there. Jaehyun and one worker.

"Where's, uhm... the other dude?" I ask once I walk up to them.

"I actually don't know..." the worker answers. Their facial expressions grew to horror and I turned around to see someone walking towards us. They had a limp to their step and once they came into the light, I couldn't describe how disgusted I was. A person with rotten flesh all over them and, what I assume, blood dripping from their mouth. We knew right then and there that the other worker had not made it. I put my hand to my mouth to stop myself from gagging.

"Run" was all I heard as we sprinted our way back across the street and into the alleyway. I fling open the door, threw the bag to the side, along with the knife inside it, and ran into the bathroom. Glad that it wasn't occupied at the moment, I ran to the sink. I turn on the faucet and splash my face with water, not caring if it messes up my glasses. I just want to get rid of the image of earlier out of my head.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Eunchae knocks on the door, "we know what happened, but are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine! Don't worry!" I struggle to reply.

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