┗ Chapter Twenty-Five ┓

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"Y/N, wake up."

"Huh?" I open my eyes and squint. I realized it was just Namjoon, so I let out a yawn and stretched.

"Come on," he says, "we got to start heading out now."

I blink while processing everything in my head. Oh Yeah! We have to start walking from now on...

"Okay" I yawn again and remove the blanket from myself. Namjoon walks away as I begin folding the blanket. I place it into its designated bag and slide myself off the back of the truck.

I took a gander around to see where everyone was at. Namjoon, Jin, Hobi and Yoongi were chatting with Mr. Si-hyuk. Jimin and Jungkook were chatting near the front of the truck. Now, where is Tae?

"You rang?" a voice asks from behind me.

"Jesus Christ!" I jump forward, though I catch myself before I fell. I turn around to see Tae clutching his stomach, laughing.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" I yell while crossing my arms over my chest, "Can you read minds or something?"

Tae stops laughing and shrugs his shoulders at my question, "I just assumed you were looking for me and I guessed correctly. Did you need me?"

"Nah, I just wanted to know where everyone was at" I confess and let my arms swing to my sides.

"Is everyone ready?" Namjoon announces. We all gather around the truck and I take a glance over at Jungkook. He must have thought the same thing because we both ended up looking at each other. He shoots me a wink and I quickly look away. What happened to the Kookie that was super shy? Is he doing this because of last night? Oh god, last night. The kiss... Y/N, snap out of it.

"Okay," Jin began and I paid attention to him, "we are going to take turns carrying the bags so that we don't wear ourselves out. Jimin is going to carry the blanket bag and Jungkook is- Jungkook pay attention!"

We all turned to Jungkook and he was still staring at me. I felt my face get warm as he jumped at the sound of Jin's voice, "Huh? What?"

"Listen, you can't be spacing out in a time like this. You are going to carry the food/water bag. We combined the two supplies into one bag so it's going to be a bit heavy" Jin explains to him.

While was Jin talking, I notice that Mr. Si-Hyuk sent me a raised eyebrow. He must have caught on to why Jungkook was spacing out. And that reason was me. I feel myself shrink a little on the inside. Despite everything being okay between us, I still felt a bit nervous around him.

"Oh okay" Jungkook nods and lifts the bag onto his shoulder.

"That settles it then," Jin clasps his hands together, "let's get going."

We all hesitate to leave for a second. None of us wanted to leave but knew we had to eventually. Namjoon was the first to start walking and soon everyone followed behind.

I was walking a bit in the back when I felt a presence next to me. My heart sped up a bit thinking it could either be Mr. Si-Hyuk or Jungkook. I turn my head to see Jin and let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm guessing I'm not who you were hoping to see?" Jin says, making my eyes open wide. I open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off.

"I'm kidding," he smiles, "though I do know a little secret thing that happened last night."

"W-what?!" I stutter.

"I know all my dear child."

"I'm not a child."



"As I was saying, I was never asleep last night. I couldn't sleep actually. So I heard your guys' conversation, and I know I shouldn't have eavesdropped, but..." My heart drops to my stomach and I almost stop walking.

"Heh..." I gulp, "So that means you heard or saw... you know..."


"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad? I'm not his parent, though I do kinda act like one, but that's besides the point. He's a grown boy, I'm not stopping him." Jin states.


"And let me just tell you, I ship it" he whispers, making me get a bit embarrassed, "but you might have to share him with Taehyung and Jimin."

This caused me to laugh, "Right, cause Taekook and Jikook."

"You got it! Anyways, I'm going to head toward the front now" Jin winks and points a finger guns at me before walking up to Namjoon. I let out another chuckle and push the stray hairs out of my face. Which reminded me that I haven't had a shower and I probably stink.

I brush that thought away and decide to take a look around. We were obviously walking on the highway and basically sandwiched between two forests. Since we were a ways away from Seoul, there weren't really any more cars in sight. Realizing that I was lost in lala land, I was getting a little too far from the group. I quicken my pace and meet up next to Jungkook. He wasn't holding the bag anymore and it looked like J-hope was carrying it now.

"Hey" I say, causing both of us to slightly jump.

"Hey" he turns to me with a smile.

"How you been so far?" I ask while holding my hands behind my back.

"Good, you?"

"Good." Great conversation skills Y/N... Why does it have to be awkward?

I mentally scold myself when I feel something on my face. I blink before realizing that he had kissed my cheek.

"If that's how it's gonna be, then so be it" I mumbled and conjured up all the courage I had. I stand on my tip toes and peck him on the corner of his mouth. I smile at his shocked expression. I giggled and ran forward to chat with Yoongi. In doing so, I left a now blushing bunny.

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