┗ Chapter Thirty ┓

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The members and I completed our showers and had changed into some clothes. You were so glad that you went first because you heard some of the members complaining that the water was getting cold. Well, no dip Sherlock, if 8 people shower right after one another, the water won't stay warm forever. Thinking about it, I never really paid much attention to what they were all actually wearing, just a few items is all. I decided to seize the moment and look at what they decided to wear.

Y'all already know who I'm starting with so let's just jump right into it. Timberlands. If you couldn't guess by that single item, then you're not a true ARMY. Jungkook was rocking his classic Timbs, a pair of blue ripped jeans, and black shirt. The only thing new was the shirt, which happens to be one of the ones that was stuck to mine when I tried to get it out of the closet. Coincidence? I think not! Oh hush brain. Nah.

Jin sadly couldn't find anything to change into because of the shirts being too tight. I remember hearing him say, "These clothes just couldn't handle my worldwide shoulders." He instead just put back on his original clothes. Which were a pair of black ripped jeans, white sneakers, and a pink T-shirt.

Namjoon had found a jean jacket. So he just threw it over his white shirt. He stuck with his normal pair of jeans and black converse.

Tae gave up his Gucci shirt for a blue long sleeve button down. He still wore his black jeans and black fancy shoes though.

Jimin managed to fit into a pair of black skinny jeans that I didn't know was in the closet. He had his black boots and black striped long sleeve shirt.

Hobi surprisingly claimed the grey sweatpants. I guess they were workout sweats or something. He paired it with his black sneakers and zip up jacket.

Lastly, Yoongi didn't find anything so he too stuck with what he originally wore. He had his pair of black jeans, black sweater, black beanie, and guess what else? Of course, black converse.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" a voice says next to me, causing me to slightly jump. I spin around to see Jimin.

"What?" I ask, but he just shakes his head.

"You're literally checking us all out."

"No I wasn't," I explain, "I was just seeing what you guys had chosen to wear."

"Mhm... Sure you were. Or were you just staring at Kookie~?"


"Oh! You left your phone on the sink by the way" he mentions and holds my phone out to me.

"Omg thank you!" I grab it and turn it on to see it had 37% battery left.

I let out a sigh and made my way over to the couch. I sat down next to Jin, who was already sitting on the left side. Jimin walks over as well, sitting on the other side of me. Everyone else just gathers around in the living room.

"So what do we do now?" J-hope announces and we all turn to Namjoon for answers.

"Stay here for the night I guess" he replies.

"That was obviously true, but I think J-hope was asking about tomorrow" Yoongi states.

"I don't know, okay?" Namjoon states back a little too sharply.

"Guys," Jimin interjects, "Let's just get some sleep."

"Who's sleeping where though?" I speak up.

"Well, we got the big bed in the back, the couch, the chair, and the floor" Tae lists.

"I'll take the chair!" J-hope says. Said man was already in said chair so it was obvious that he would claim it.

"That's one person down, who else?" Namjoon says.

"Wait what's that?" Tae points to a door that was halfway hidden behind a bookcase. That causes all of us to perk up.

"To be honest, I didn't even notice it" I confess while getting up off the couch.

"We can either find out what's in there now or in the morning" Jin states.

"You guys want to vote?" Jungkook asks.

"Well I definitely want to know what's inside" I remark as I walk over to the door.

"It's already getting dark out. We don't even know if the lights work in this place or not. And we obviously know not to leave lights on when those things are outside. So I highly recommend we wait for tomorrow. Besides, if there is something down there, it's blocked off by the bookcase for a reason. Now, I'm going to sleep. If you need me, I'll be in the bedroom." Yoongi explains and leaves the room.

"I agree, we should wait" Namjoon nods his head.

I let out a huff and nod my head as well. Yoongi was right, it was getting dark and we didn't even check the lights yet.

"Who's keeping watch with me tonight?" Jin asks.

"I'll do it hyung!" Tae replies. The two of them make their way into the kitchen. I didn't catch why they went in there, but I just shrugged my shoulders.

"That just leaves the couch and the four of us," Jungkook speaks up.

"Well someone else can sleep with Yoongi in the bedroom. I can take the couch cause it seems like you guys, excluding Y/N, can fit on it" Jimin comments.

"Hey! I'm not that small" I cross my arms, muttering the last part.

"I guess I'll take the bed with hyung then" Namjoon swiftly declares and heads over to the bedroom.

"They just gave us the floor, didn't they?" Jungkook whispers to me.


"I'll grab our blankets from the bag then" he walks over to the bag containing the blankets and unzips it.

I turned around to see that Jimin was already getting situated on the couch. I watch him swivel around and plop down on the couch. He catches my eye and sends me an innocent smile.

But then all of a sudden everything goes black...

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