┗ Chapter Eleven ┓

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I opened my eyes to see that the lanterns were still on, meaning that it wasn't morning yet. I was confused as to why my body woke up again this early. I mean the first night was because of Jungkook, but this time?

Speaking of him, my head was sandwiching between his head and his shoulder. He still had his arm around my waist, but that wasn't it, he had somehow managed to get his hand underneath my sweater and on the side of my stomach. You know how everyone has that one side of their body/stomach that when touched, you just shiver?

That's what's happening right now, so I had to move his hand or else I might twitch and cause him to wake up. Gladly my arms were not being held down this time, I reached my hand to grab his to move it, and used my other hand to pull down my sweater. I freeze for a second, debating whether or not to put his hand back, this time on my sweater, or to just set it down.

I guess I stalled for too long because I was now holding hands with him. Wait what the- When did this happen?

"What's going on?" a low raspy voice makes me shiver. Jungkook's head lifts off of mine and I face him to see that he was rubbing his eyes with his other hand.

"U-Uhm, you see..." I stutter out and feel a tug on my hand.

"Huh?" he notices that our hands are intertwined.

"Sorry, it's my fault, well technically your fault," I ramble, "you had managed to get your hand underneath my sweater, and not like that, so I moved your hand. And then you intertwined our fingers, bringing us to this predicament right here." Well I don't mind it... wait why am I even thinking about that?

I expected him to quickly let go of my hand, apologize, and then we would just go back to sleep. But nope, that's not what happened. What happened either made things a whole lot worse or did it even make things better? Or am I just exaggerating?

I feel him softly squeeze my hand before slowly letting it go. I suddenly felt sad and pouted. That didn't last long until his other hand reached and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers once more. It was way more comfortable to hold his hand this way than the last way. His arm around me went back to its place, with his hand now resting on my hip.

I stare at our intertwined fingers and think of how lucky I am. How lucky I was to be holding a famous idol's hand. Even more so in a zombie apocalypse, which I just realized is still going on. I'm surprised that nothing major has happened to cause chaos to everyone here. It's oddly chill at the moment, it's like the world is waiting for something to happen before it lets loose and brings on more havoc.

All these thoughts ran in my head, and I didn't realize my hand, still intertwining with Jungkooks, was being pulled towards his face. I feel a light pressure on the back of my hand and snap out of my thoughts. Jungkook has his lips on the back of my hand. Oh. My. God.

He looks over at me and brings our hands back down to his lap. I could feel his gaze on me as I stared at the spot on my hand where he just kissed.

"I... uhm... Sorry for making things weird. I-I don't know what came over me. You looked so beautiful lost in your thoughts that I got caught up and kissed your hand. No wait I didn't mean that... I mean, you are pretty- Agh shoot... I'm making things awkward aren't I?" he rants while letting go of our hands. He slightly raises his voice towards the end which causes me to place my finger on his lips, shushing him.

"Hush, you're gonna wake everyone up. And no you didn't make things awkward, well kinda, but anyways, it's alright. And uhm... thanks, for the, you know, compliment" I feel my face flush a bit and clasp my hands together. I look down to hide my face, even though you can hardly see it, and begin twiddling my thumbs.

It gets quiet for a bit, his arm never did leave from my hip because I could still feel it's warmth. A hand was placed on top of mine causing my thumbs to stop moving. I look up to see Jungkook staring into my eyes.

Although I could hardly see, despite everything that had happened, it felt like I could see his face clearly. His chocolate brown eyes staring softly into mine. My body somehow relaxes underneath his gaze.

And it just occurred to me, our faces were really close. No wonder I could see his face better without my glasses, we were literally inches apart from one another.

Before anything could happen, a low cough was heard from across the room. This breaks our gaze as we both turn our heads towards the noise. Our eyes widened as we realized we had been caught. The person who caught us was none other than...

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