┗ Chapter Five ┓

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"D'aww look at them!" a voice gushes out as the sound of a camera goes off.

"Idiot, you didn't turn your volume off! Bang PD could hear and look over. If he does, then she'll be thrown out" another voice remarks to the first one.

I slowly open my eyes and squint at the light. I blink a couple times before trying to stretch my arms for a yawn. Only able to just yawn due to the fact that my arms were trapped. What the-?

Strong arms were wrapped tightly around me and a head was on my shoulder. I blink one more time and slowly free my arms from Jungkook's grip. Stretching them out, along with my legs, I look up to the voices I heard. It was Jimin and V giggling like schoolgirls while looking at a phone.

"Oh! Good morning Y/N!" Jimin glances down from the phone, which I assume was his, with a smile.

"G'morning," I mumble out, still slightly tired, "what are you guys giggling about?"

"You two" V smirks, showing me the phone. On it was a picture of me and Jungkook cuddling in our sleep.

"W-What?! You can't just take pictures of people sleeping!"

"It's fine~ Besides, you guys are so adorable, but I suggest you wake him up. We don't want you to get in trouble with cuddling our maknae, now would we?" Jimin explains, "good luck on waking him up though."

Speaking of waking Jungkook up, I realize that it's quite hard to wake him up. I suddenly remembered what happened last night with Jin. He knew that too, I wouldn't have woken Jungkook up if I had talked, Jin just didn't want to ruin the "moment". I glared at the spot where Jin was sleeping to see that he wasn't there. I guess he was awake already.

I let out a sigh, and tried to free myself from Jungkook's grip. Dang he sure was strong. He ain't the Golden maknae for nothing.

A voice at the back of my mind knew a way to wake him up. I sure as hell ain't gonna do that. Not now and not ever.

I huff out a sigh of defeat and glance around to see if anyone would help me. I managed to catch Jin's eye and sent him a pleading look. I could tell he was restraining himself but he gave in. He made his way over to my spot and did what I wouldn't do. Kim Seokjin fucking twisted Jungkook's nips.

"What the heck?!?" Jungkook flings backwards. He tries to catch his breath as both Jin and I start laughing.

"You were cuddling the poor girl to death, so I had to wake you" I stopped laughing and shyly wrapped the blanket around myself.

"W-What? N-No I wasn't" Jungkook denies.

"It's the truth," Jimin came bouncing over with his phone showing him the picture, "look!"

"Delete that!" Jungkook quickly reaches for the phone, but Jimin swiftly retreats to the other side of the room.

"What's going on here?" Mr. Si-hyuk announces coming from the bathroom.

"N-nothing!" Jungkook quickly answers and Mr. Si-hyuk Eyes him suspiciously.

"Once everyone is awake, we will meet in the middle of the room, okay?"

Rising from my spot, I stretch once again causing the blanket to fall to the floor. I bend down to pick it up when a hand beats me to it. I rose back up to see that it was Eunchae.

"Ah, good morning Eunchae!" I bow to her.

"Good morning Y/N, I hope you slept well," she folds the blanket and places it on her arm, "here are your glasses."

"I did, thanks" I give her a warm smile and grab my glasses from her hand, putting them on my face. She excuses herself to go put away the blankets and I walk towards the middle of the room. Once everyone had gathered around, Mr. Si-hyuk was the first to speak.

Not Bitten || j.jkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora