┗ Chapter Twenty-Nine ┓

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I am spun around into a chest and look up to see a smirking Jungkook.

"What the hell? I need to find something I can change into" I frown.

"I know."

"If you know, then let me go."


"Just let the poor girl go, Jungkook," we both turn our heads to see J-hope at the door frame. Jungkook quickly freed himself from me and went into shy mode.

"Thanks Hobi" I say.

"No problem" he gives me a thumbs up.

I hear him leave the door frame so I just go back to opening the closet. I see a few coats and t-shirts hanging and some jeans folded at the top. I skip past the coats and look through the shirts. I sense a presence next to me and open my mouth to speak.

"You better not be deciding to do that again."


I turn around to see Jungkook looking at the ground then flicker his eyes to meet mine. Dang, I am practically melting into those eyes... Crap, snap out of it Y/N! I facepalm myself without realizing it which caused him to let out a chuckle.

"Welcome back to the real world" I say, rubbing my now probably red forehead.

"Sorry about earlier" he apologizes.

"It's fine, you just spooked me is all," I wave it off and turn my attention back to the hanging clothing, "Aha!"

I found a black shirt with a single chest pocket. It must have been snagged on something because as soon as I tried to pull it out of the closet, a few other shirts came out.

"Ugh!" I groaned as Jungkook laughed next to me. I shoot him a glare and detangle the clothing. Once I did, I put the extra clothes back into the closet and draped the black shirt over my arm.

"But as for the pants though..." I mentally curse that the pants were at the top and somewhat shoved to the back.

"Oh Jungkook~" I raise my voice slightly "would you be a dear and grab the pants off the top shelf for me?"

However, to my surprise, he actually did what I had asked. I almost choke on air when he places them on the bed.

"I didn't think you would actually listen," I remarked.

"Why?" he gives me a confused look.

"Nothing, nothing" I pay my attention to the pants. There were a few jeans and a pair of sweatpants. I look at the sizes and let out a sad sigh. They were all too big for me, at least not without needing a belt.

"Guess I'm rocking with what I got on then" I mumble to myself, "Thanks anyway for getting them down."

I subconsciously give Jungkook a peck on the cheek. When realizing what I did, I quickly rushed out of the room and into the bathroom. Though not before swiftly saying to the rest of the group that I will be in there.

I went to place the shirt on the sink counter when I noticed that it was no longer on my arm. A knock on the door causes me to jump. I walk over to it and unlock it. I opened it slightly to see Jungkook with the shirt I chose in his hand.

"You forgot this when you ran out" he mumbles and I could see a faint blush on his cheeks. I say thanks and grab onto the shirt. I go to close the door when he stops it with his foot.

"Kookie, I need to shower. We all do and it's going to get late soon and we obviously don't want to shower when it's dark out" I explain, trying to push his foot out with my foot, but I was obviously failing to do so. The door is pushed more open and I feel hands grab my face. Then all of a sudden he smashes his lips onto mine, which totally catches me off guard.

"Don't miss next time, kay?" is all he says and leaves the room. Letting out a shaky breath, I shut the door and quickly lock it. I place a hand on my now beating chest as my face grows warm. Jesus Christ, I swear he is going to give me a heart attack.

Shaking my head, I place the shirt on the sink counter. I look to the window, double checking if it was locked and that the curtains were closed. I move to the shower and turn it on before beginning to undress. I then proceed to hop in and let out a sigh of relief as the water pours down onto me.

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