┗ Chapter Four ┓

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I feel an arm sliver it's way around my waist causing me to stir. I slowly open my eyes to an unfamiliar position. I must have moved in my sleep. I silently pull my phone out and instantly cringe at the brightness. Turning it down, I check the time, 2:32 AM.

I went to rub my eyes when I hit something on my face. Oh right, I still have my glasses on, I take them off and set them not too far from me. I didn't want them to get smashed because they were really important. Curse the world for not giving me 20/20 vision.

I scroll through the news app to find that a lot of things went down. Apparently there was a chemical spill which caused many people to choke and die. But apparently they weren't "dead" because they came back to life. And they weren't the same person as before. The first person bit someone who thought they weren't dead, causing that person to change. Which caused a chain effect on society. It wasn't just in Seoul that this happened, the whole world was affected by this. The government had shut down due to everything. Riots broke out, stores and houses were broken into and robbed. Families killed for no apparent reason. It brought my family to mind, I hope that nothing bad happened to them.

I click my phone off and set it back down. It finally registers in my mind of the current situation that I was in. A soft breath was blowing on my neck sending slight shivers down my spine. I thought we agreed to stay apart from each other?

Jungkook's head was on my shoulder, his face on my neck, and his arms wrapped around my waist. His arms twitch and pull me closer to him, causing his nose to dig further into my neck. He mumbles a few non coherent words before going silent.

I try to steady my heart as I lean my head back against the wall and let out a soft sigh. Tilting my head back to forward, I take a gander around the room. The moonlight caused little light but I could still see that everyone was pretty much asleep. I glance over to the members and catch a pair of eyes. I lightly jump, which causes more mumbles to come from Jungkook. I squint at the figure before realizing that it was actually Jin with a smile on his face.

I opened my mouth to say something, but he put his finger to his lips. He pointed to the sleeping boy on me and I slowly caught on to what he was trying to say. If I talk, it would wake Jungkook up and possibly wake everyone else as well.

Jin sends me a knowing smirk and lays back down to rest. I raise an eyebrow and shake my head, I didn't realize that it caused Jungkook to move. I froze once again thinking I'd wake him, but gladly I didn't. He returned to his slumber as my eyes grew a bit heavy. But before I could stop myself, my head slowly fell on top of Jungkooks.

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