┗ Chapter Twenty-Seven ┓

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We both turn to see everyone staring at us. I instantly blush and pull my hand free from Jungkook.

"Kookie got some moves" Tae says, which earned him a hit on the shoulder by me, "Yah! What? I'm telling the truth."

I don't reply and finish eating my granola bar.

"Anyways, we might need to start breaking the granola bars in half from now on. We only have a small amount left" Jin points down to the bag.

"Ddaeng" I mumble. He was right, we did only have a few left. Though we should have known because of how many of us there are.

"Did you just make a Ddaeng reference?" Hobi asks and I just give him a thumbs up.

"If I can add, I suggest we all figure out our roles from now on. Without that truck for protection, we are practically vulnerable to the outside world and its inhabitants," Namjoon says, "We need to have some of us be on the lookout when walking and, sadly, we most definitely need to be able to defend ourselves."

"Well I nominate Namjoon as the leader" I say without thinking and everyone looks at me.

"Well, she ain't wrong," Jin states.

"Bang PD?" Namjoon turns with a worried look.

"Mr. Si-hyuk?" My eyes opened wide when I realized that he had disappeared.

"Where did he go?" I could hear the concern within Jimin's voice.

"Did anyone see him leave?" Jungkook asks and everyone shakes their heads no.

"He couldn't have gone far, we need to find him. I want to know where he went and why he left. He probably just went for a short walk, so I'm sure he'll come back" Jin tries to lighten the mood.

"I hope you're right hyung" Jimin mumbles.

"Uhm, guys?" Yoongi announces. We all turn to face him to see him holding a duffle bag.

"What is it?" Hobi asks.

"We are missing a few things..."


"How could this be?"

"Did someone sneak by us when we were talking?"

"Guys!" it was Tae who shouted that, he had the look of guilt covering his face, "I know where Bang PD is..."

"Where?" Jimin pressures Tae to answer. I could see Tae's lip start to tremble as he gulps then opens his mouth.

"While you guys were talking, Bang PD pulled me off to the side. He said he had found a working car not too far from here. I don't know how he had found it or how he was able to leave without any one of us noticing. But, he said that the car could only hold 4 of us, including himself. He told me that he will bring me and two other members of my choosing to leave with him. A-and, I felt so heartbroken to hear him say those words. I think the apocalypse is getting to his head. I-I didn't want to choose anyone. We're all a family and family stays together. I told him that and he got m-mad at me. He said that if I wasn't going to choose then he would just leave by himself. I watched as he shoved granola bars, water bottles, and a few blankets into the extra duffle bag. I was too frozen to stop him. I saw him storm off in a direction, which I assume was the way to the vehicle. And that's the last time I saw him" Tae was practically sobbing right now. Jimin pulls him into a hug and proceeds to rub his back.

"I-I didn't want us to be split apart" Tae weeps.

"It's alright Tae, you did the right thing and told us" Namjoon sadly smiles and joins the Vmin hug. Soon everyone else joins the hug while I'm standing off to the side, being the awkward person that I am.

"Y/N? What are you doing? Join in" Jungkook says, lifting an arm for me to come over.


"Y/N, I've already said that you are a part of the family. Just join the damn hug before it ends" Yoongi remarks. Before I could reply, my arm was suddenly grabbed and I got pulled into the group hug.

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