┗ Chapter Twenty-Eight ┓

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Though the hug was cut short due to a very loud noise. We all pull apart and turn towards the source of the sound. A black car was now speeding its way down the highway away from us. I looked over at Tae and he was frowning. I opened my mouth to say something, but was cut off by Jin.

"Oh god! The noise could have attracted the zombies! Oh god, oh god. What do we do?!" Jin grabs his head and begins pacing back and forth.

"Hyung, calm down," Namjoon places a hand on Jin's shoulder, making the said man stop, "It wasn't that loud, so surely it didn't-"

"Guys! We gotta run!" Jimin shouts. The pink haired man gestures down the road and I try to follow where he was pointing. I squinted my eyes, but that didn't really help with the fact that it's making everything even more blurrier. But I did get a glimpse of some movement and let out a gasp, knowing what that meant.

"Oh god!" Hobi says this time.

"Okay, we need a plan asap" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Shove everything into one bag," Yoongi states, "it's best if we head into the forest instead of being on the highway and out in the open."

Jin didn't hesitate to shove everything into one bag like Yoongi suggested. I never in my life had seen a man work that fast before, even if they were panicking.

Once he finished, he threw the bag on his shoulder and turned to us, "Come on! I ain't getting eaten today. They can't handle my worldwide handsomeness!"

I let out a chuckle as most of the members just groaned at Jin's words. We all quickly rushed into the forest and once we were roughly 20 feet in, we slowed down our pace.

I brush shoulders with someone and look up to see Jungkook. I send him a small smile and turn back ahead. I felt him grab onto my hand and I held back from grinning.

"I think I see a small cottage up ahead!" Jimin exclaims.

"Quiet, you don't need to shout" Yoongi scolds him and Jimin mumbles out a sorry.

"Let's head over there anyways" Namjoon states and we all agree.

"Hopefully if someone is in there, that they will let us in" Hobi says worriedly and I nod my head. Please oh please let us stay in the cottage. If someone is in there that is. I'm perfectly fine if no one is living there though.

Too lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that we had made it to the cottage already. It was Jungkook letting go of my hand that pulled me back into reality.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Namjoon asks as he knocks on the door. It all goes quiet as we patiently wait for any sort of reply. There was no answer.

"Maybe they're not home?" Tae says.

"Try the door knob hyung" Jimin suggests. I watched as Namjoon twists and pulls on the door, but sadly it wasn't budging.

"Look! The window is slightly open. Maybe one of us can get inside and unlock the door?" Hobi points over to a window. I turned my head to see that it was, in fact, cracked open.

"I would if I could, but my worldwide shoulders wouldn't let me." Jin comments.

"..." the rest of the members didn't comment, but I let out another chuckle. Jin looks over to me and with a raised eyebrow, he grins.

"Y/N~ You can though."

"W-what?!" I stutter out, "Me? Climb through a stranger's window? Heck to the no!"

"But Y/N-" Jin starts again but gets cut off by someone who surprised me.

"What if there actually is someone inside? What if it's a zombie? What if she gets bitten? What if-" Jungkook exclaims while pulling me into his arms. Even though I was happy that he was concerned for me, I knew I had to do it for the benefit of the group.

"Calm down. As much as I miss rapper Jungkook, we don't need to argue. I can do it, despite what I'm putting myself into" I state, freeing myself from him. I walk over to the window and try to push the window open more.

"Here" Tae walks over and helps push it for me.

"Thanks," I use all my strength and climb in the window.

I close my eyes, letting out a shaky breath. I open my eyes and find myself in the bathroom.

"I'm in the bathroom, so I'll just open the bathroom door and walk over to the front door" I say to them.

"Be safe" I hear Jungkook getting closer to the window.

"I know" I walk over to the bathroom door and grab the door knob, twisting it open.

I found myself in a small hallway and to the left of me was another door. I assume it was a bedroom and instead looked to my right. That seemed to be the path to the front door. I slowly make my way down the hallway, trying to calm my now beating heart. I reach the end and realize it was a living room.

I see a small kitchen to the left and a door on the right. A door! That must be the front door! I quickly walk over and place my ear against the door frame. I could faintly make out voices that sounded like the boys talking. I reach to unlock the deadbolt and grip the door handle. I slowly open the door and stick my head out.

"Ye kids better get off my lawn" I say in an old man's voice. Namjoon jumps forward because he was the closest to the door. Jimin and Jin let out a small yelp. Hobi practically falls to the ground. Yoongi is unfazed by what just happened. And lastly, Tae and Jungkook were both shocked.

"Oh my god," I began laughing, "that was way too funny!"

"Y/N! You didn't need to do that!" J-hope quickly stands back up and brushes the dirt off his clothes.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" Jungkook rushes over when he realizes it was just me.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Come on in guys" I open the door all the way. Everyone piles into the cottage and I shut the door, locking the deadbolt. I see Jimin going over to the windows, locking and closing the curtains.

"Were there any other doors?" Namjoon asks me.

"Besides the bathroom door and another one that I assume is a bedroom, then no" I answer as I plop down on the sofa.

"Alright, I'm going to check out the bedroom then" he leaves the room.

"I'll go with you" Yoongi follows him.

Which leaves me, the vocal line, and one of the rap line left in the living room. Jin places the bag on the ground as Hobi seats himself on the small recliner in the corner of the room.

"Well I'm checking the kitchen out" Jin states.

I nod my head and briefly close my eyes. My heart had finally calmed down.

"Okay so, it was a bedroom and we found some clothes in the closet but I highly doubt any of us could fit them. But we definitely need to get clean. We just need to see if the shower works..." Namjoon's voice comes back into the living room and I open my eyes.

"Are you saying that I smell?" Jin remarks walking in as well.

"Technically we all have a smell. But that's besides the point. The point is, we haven't had a proper shower in a few days, plus, we are still in the same clothes" Namjoon replies.

"Well if the shower does work, I call first!" I chime in, "And before you argue, I won't take too long."

No one else said a word until Tae came into the room. I didn't even see him leave.

"I guess luck is on our side then. I tried the sink in the bathroom and it turned on. I think this place runs on generator" Tae explains.

"Might as well see what options of clothing there are then" I get up from the couch.

"I'll join you" Jungkook quickly says and follows me into the bedroom. Once inside, I saw that the room had a queen sized bed and a built-in closet. I make my way over to the closet when a hand grabs onto my wrist.

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