┗ Chapter Six ┓

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"Okay, so I have a plan, and if anyone would like to add to it then please let me know. We are all aware of what is going on outside at the moment, right? I'm afraid that we won't last inside here forever. We are going to have to work together to survive," Mr. Si-hyuk announces to the group, "I suggest we break up into teams. I know now that it doesn't matter your rank in the world anymore."

It made sense, there was no such thing as idols anymore. Sure the BTS members will still be somewhat famous, but it doesn't matter anymore. It's a life and death situation now.

"Has anyone checked the back door for any... uhm... zombies?" Jimin gulps..

"I've been keeping an eye on it since yesterday and so far there hasn't been any 'zombies' spotted" a male worker, whose name was Min Jaehyun, answers Jimin.

"Good, that's makes everything so much easier," Mr. Si-hyuk hums, "We really need people to collect supplies for the time being, mainly food and water. Luckily there is a store not too far from here, I hope there's stuff still there."

"I volunteer to go" Jaehyun raises his hand.

"Us too" two other workers state together. What were their names again? I should have remembered.

Before anyone else could volunteer, Mr. Si-hyuk said something that made me freeze in place.

"Y/N, you will join them as well."

W-What? Me? Why is he so adamant to get rid of me?

"But sir-" Eunchae tries to argue but Mr. Si-hyuk shakes his head.

"You won't have a problem going, right Y/N?"

"No sir." I quickly answer as to not start a big argument. After all, I'm just a stranger here. So it was bound to happen that I'd join in. But I just don't understand...

"That settles it then," Mr. Si-hyuk points to the clock in the room, "You guys should be ready by 1 PM."

We all just nod our heads and disperse. I made my way back to my spot and picked up my phone.

"Are you sure you can go out there Y/N? You know that one of us can obviously get Bang PD to allow us to go instead of you." Surprisingly, it was Yoongi's voice.

"Nah, I'm fine. I can manage it" I wave him off sticking my phone in my back pocket. I'll manage somehow...

"Oh wait, let me get your number. In case anything happens you can just send a message. I just hope that we can actually still send messages..." he pulls out his phone, turning it on.

"Oh yeah, that's a smart idea" I pull my phone back out and press the on button. I realize that I had a few voicemails, but decide to ignore them for now and open my contacts app.

"Is Yoongi-hyung getting a girl's number?" a teasing voice, who happens to be J-hope, came over to us. He throws his arm over Yoongi's shoulder and flashes me a smile.

"Oh hush, it's just in case there is an emergency" Yoongi explains, making J-hope want my number as well.

"What's going on over here?" another familiar voice, whom I recognize as Jungkook.

"Nothing, just getting Y/Ns number" Yoongi bluntly states. I could see Jungkook's eyes widened and he was hesitating. Does he want my number as well, or?

"Here, put your number in as well," I hand him my phone, "might as well get everyone's number then too."

Jungkook grabs my phone and quickly types his number in before handing it back to me. He sent a message to himself so that he would get my number. I noticed that he set his name as The Golden Maknae.

I looked up at him, but he was already smirking at me. He knew, that I knew, that he did that and was waiting for my reaction.

"Boi..." I mumble under my breath.

After getting everyone's numbers, it was already about 12:30. I pull my glasses off my face and clean them on my sweater before putting them back on. I re-tie my boots, tighten them slightly more than usual. Luckily I had a hair tie on my wrist and pulled my hair to the side. I was trying to make a loose braid but my hands kept messing up.

"Need help?" I was expecting to see Eunchae, but to my surprise it was Jungkook.

"What? You can braid hair? I would expect either J-hope, RM, or V to know how because they at least have a sister, but you?" I say with disbelief.

"There's a thing called YouTube, plus I could literally see your hands shaking."

"Pfft fine, get over here and do it then."

I sit on the floor as Jungkook sits behind me with his legs on either side of me. I temporarily took off my glasses so that they wouldn't get in the way. I jump a little when I feel his hands run through my hair, causing him to stop.

"Sorry, you just spooked me. You can continue if you want" I apologize as I start to play with the hair tie in my hands.

"Are you positive that you can go out there? Just from watching your hands shaking, you seem nervous" he asks while starting to braid my hair.

"Who wouldn't be? There are those things out there who wouldn't hesitate to rip your flesh off. Oops, sorry for that imagery" I rambled on without realizing that I managed to accidentally fling the hair tie across the room, hitting RM in the back of the head.

"What the-?" he turns around and glances down to see a black hair tie on the ground. He bends down to pick it up when he hears my voice.

"That's mine RM! Sorry for flinging it at you," I apologize as he made his way over, "just hand it to Jungkook, I think he's done now."

RM was in shock to see Jungkook doing my hair, but he didn't question it and handed him the hair tie. RM returns to wherever he was originally and Jungkook ties my hair.

"Annnd all done! Not too bad" Jungkook praises himself. I reach behind me, grabbing the braid, and pulling it to the side to see it. I was pleased at his job, he actually did pretty good.

"Wah, thanks Kookie," I smile, "oh wait, I meant Jungkook. Gosh darn it Y/N." I hit myself in the head at what I called him. Come on Y/N, you can't turn all ARMY in a time like this.

"It's alright."


"I said it's alright for you to call me that" Jungkook smiles with his signature bunny smile.

"O-Oh, okay."

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