┗ Chapter Twenty-Two ┓

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"So, how are you doing?" Hobi asks while leaning against the side of the truck.

"Mmm, alright" I shrug my shoulders.

"Well... Are you up for all this walking then?"

"Pfft," I sigh and cross my arms over my chest, "I mean, sure, I would love to be walking in an apocalypse! It's just to die for."

"I can sense the sarcasm," he chuckles, "and I get it, walking isn't the best but it's the only option we have."

"I know..."

"Everyone gather around" Yoongi's voice rings in my ears. I turn my head to see him walking back over to the truck, along with everyone else. I make my way to the end of the truck and sit on the edge.

"What's up buttercup?" I ask, swinging my legs back and forth.

"I'm not even gonna comment," Yoongi sighs, "We've come up with a small plan for now."

"I suggested that we take count of all the supplies that we have" RM states.

"Then I'll count the water bottles" I raise my hand like I was in class. He nods and I turn around to grab the first bag I saw and unzip it. I let out a sigh when I saw that it was the food bag.

"That would be ours to count" Tae grabs the bag and then walks over to Yoongi. I opened another bag and it contained the blankets.

"That would be mine," Jimin says and takes the bag.

"We know how many blankets we have, you don't need to count them" I say, but he only smiles and walks away. I glared at the back of his head but eventually stopped to look down. I proceeded to let out a huff cause I couldn't find the gosh darn bag.

"Looking for this?" I turn my head to see Jungkook with a bag, which I assume is the water bottle bag, in his hand.

"Yes" I snatched the bag but instantly regretted it. I wasn't thinking of how heavy it was and it fell to the ground, pulling me down with it. My phone falls out of my sweater pocket and lands face down next to me. Plus, I had managed to grab it with my bandaged hand too, which was my right hand. I release my grip, causing a few bottles to spew out of the bag.

"Good going Y/N."

"Shut up," I say looking up at him from the ground. I reached to pick up the bottles and started placing them back in the bag, "you could help you know."

From the corner of my eye I see his slightly blurry figure bend down and pick up a water bottle. I grab my phone and slowly turn it over, letting out a sigh of relief to see that there were only a few cracks around the edges. I put it back into my pocket and continued picking up the other bottles. Once completed, I realized I could have counted the fallen ones.

"Y/N, your hand is bleeding again" Jungkook gasps and reaches to grab my hand.

"Wha-?" I looked down to see that a little bit of blood had seeped through the gauze, "Oh, I guess so."

"It's just a little bit of blood, not a big deal" I shrug and start to count the water bottles. 3... 4... 5... ah! 12... We have 12 water bottles left... That's not a lot though.

I feel some eyes on me and look up to see Jungkook staring down at me, "Did you really just watch me count water bottles the whole time?"

He snaps back to reality and stutters out a no. I chuckle and heave myself off the ground. I reached down to lift the bag back up, but before I could, Jungkook beat me to it.

"I can get it myself junglebook" I whine. He sets the bag on the truck and turns to me confused.


"Oh hush it Justin Seagull."

"No need for name calling Y/N," RM walks over, "How many do we have left?"

"12" I say as I brush the dirt off of me.

"We need to be more cautious from now on I guess" RM places his hand underneath his chin. I felt obligated to say sorry for wasting the water earlier but a gaze on the back of my head stopped me. I turned to see Jin shaking his head at me and so I kept my mouth shut.

Soon everyone gathered around once again and shared what they counted. We had enough food and water to last us less than a week. Jimin says that he found a utility knife shoved beneath the blankets.

By the time we finished talking, the sun had begun to set, making the sky turn into warm colors. Everyone turns to the sunset.

"It's so beautiful" I whisper, mainly to myself, as my eyes watch the hazy colors blend into one another. I slide off the vehicle and stare up at the sky. The sun finally sets and we are left in darkness with only the moon and stars.

I heard the truck door open and assumed Mr. Si-hyuk climbed back into the driver's seat. A small light distracts my eye and I turn to see that J-hope had turned on a lantern.

"I'm predicting that we all aren't going to sleep soon" he gives a small smile. He was kinda true though, at least for me that is, I wasn't going to sleep just yet.

I watched everyone climb back onto the truck and was about to get on myself when a hand was placed in front of me. I glance up to see Jungkook with a grin on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows and gave in. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. I walk over to the back, sitting down and leaning against it. Someone slides down next to me and you can already guess who it was.

"You're following me like a lost puppy," everyone's heads turn to me and my eyes widen, "I said that out loud, didn't I?" Everyone, except Jungkook, starts to quietly laugh.

"Y/N," Tae wipes a tear from his eye, "I'm glad you are here, cause you make things so funny."

"Why do I feel somewhat offended by that?" Jin states.

"Cause Y/N is taking over your job" Jimin grins.

"Yah!" Jin bickers.

"No no, I didn't mean to," I quickly apologized.

"It's fine Y/N," Yoongi says, "but we are happy to have you with us."

"Thanks Yoongi, that means a lot to me" I smiled at him.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" RM asks, but we all just shrug our shoulders, "I guess we can do our own thing then."

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