Wisdom and Warnings

Start from the beginning

"What'a his name?"

"Luke. I didn't catch a last name. He did pretty good." Ania furrowed her brow.

"I know that look. What is it?"

"He's Force sensitive. I don't think he knows though."

"Maybe you should ask Ben about it sometime," Ezra suggested.

"Yeah, I will. He currently has Tolsa sketching lightsaber designs. He wants me to build new ones too, but I don't know."

"You don't know if Ahsoka would want you to?"

"Yeah. They were her lightsabers after all."

"Well, they're yours now. I don't think Ahsoka would have minded. She would want you to do what you need to."

Ania sighed. "I'll think about it. What's been going on with you? Are things any better on Lothal?"

"Worse, actually. Thrawn sent a bounty hunter after us but he's gone now. Hera is due for a mission soon."

    The vision flashed through Ania's mind. "Ezra, tell Hera to be careful."

    "Why? What's wrong?"

    "I had a vision and I think it has something to do with Kanan and Hera. I'm not sure what, though."

    Ezra stroked his chin a little. "All right. I'll tell her. By the way, does Ben know anything about our connection?"

    "Blast!" Ania rubbed her forehead. "I forgot to bring it up. I'll do that while Tolsa works on her lightsaber and let you know."

    Ezra grinned broadly. "Sounds good to me. I'd better go and you should consider making new lightsabers." Ania smiled, meeting his gaze. An odd feeling wormed its way into her gut. Ezra laughed, even though she'd said nothing. "I get that feeling too."

    She rolled her eyes. "Sometimes you're creepy."

    "You love it."

    "Maybe. Ok, go, before Hera gets after you."

    "Be careful."

    "Same to you." Ania ended the transmission and switched off the hologram. She took her lightsabers in hand and furrowed her brow. She sighed. "Maybe I should build new ones."

Ania crossed her legs and set her lightsabers down in front of her. She closed her eyes and connected to the crystals within their chambers. "Show me what to do," she breathed.

Molten silver flowed through her vision, forming thin plates. The plates bent into cylinder shapes, small bits and pieces working their way inside of the structures. Two crystal chambers appeared at the ends of the lightsabers. A clear covering kept the crystals inside, but visible.

A newly shaped emitter rose from the top of the structures. The formed hilts twisted around and stuck together, sealing into a duel blade with a hiss. Ania reached a hand towards the weapon and her fingers brushed smooth metal. With a flash, she caught glimpses of that future. She was in her white outfit, Ezra in his black one.

Ania blinked her eyes open with a start. Her lightsabers clattered to the floor. She released her breath slowly and clipped the lightsabers to her belt before standing. Ania slid off the boarding ramp and locked down the ship again. She turned and headed back to the house.

Tolsa glanced up as she entered. "How are things on Lothal?"

"Ezra said there was a bounty hunter after them for a while but they got rid of him. Hera is going to leave for a mission soon."

"I guess we haven't missed out on much then." She held up a piece of paper with a rough sketch. "How's this?"

"I like it."

"Me too. It's the only one that looks good." Tolsa motioned to the pile of crumpled papers on the floor beside her.

Ben walked out of the kitchen and held out a hand. Tolsa passed the paper to him. He took a moment, looking over it. "I think that will do nicely. If you like, you may begin building it now." Ben grabbed a box of parts and set it on the table. "Let the Force build it. All you need to do is remember the diagrams I showed you and your own design."

Tolsa nodded and stood. She placed the paper in the box with the parts. "I'm going to work on it outside." She grabbed the box and stepped out the door.

"I sense there is something troubling you," Ben said. He moved to a chair and sat down. "What is it?"

"I'm worried about my friends. I had a vision while we were fighting the Rancor. I managed to maintain physical focus, but the vision was unclear."

"Visions are always hard to interpret. They can mean many different things. It's best not to dwell on them or you'll drive yourself mad trying to discover what they mean. That will be revealed in time."

Ania sighed and nodded. "Master, who was that boy? Owen Lar's nephew?"

Ben leaned back and stroked his beard. "You sensed it?" Ania nodded. "Of course. I don't know why I thought you might not. He has no idea that he's Force sensitive. I'm here to look out for him until it's time he knows."

"Knows what?"

"I can't tell you. The less you know about him, the better."

Ania furrowed her brow but didn't press it further. "There was something else I needed to ask you about but I forgot to. What do you know about connections through the Force?"

"What sort of connections?" Ben inclined his head.

"My fri...um...Ezra and I have a connection through the Force. It links our minds and lets us see the same visions as the other. We can synchronize our movements and work together or try to destroy each other. It lets us go inside the other's mind and see their thoughts. I'm not really sure what else it can do. We haven't tested it. The few times we have, it's ended poorly," Ania explained.

"I haven't heard of anything like that. I know that it's possible to speak to the dead and they can retain their identity through the Force, but that is different." Ben stroked his beard some more. "When was the first time the Force connected you?"

"The first time we realized we were connected was during a training session. Something happened and Ezra and I began to fight each other. We weren't aware of what was going on at all and the whole time, we were having similar visions. Kanan, Zeb, and Tolsa had to help us or we wouldn't have stopped." Ania narrowed her eyes, thinking. "Although, the first time we actually shared a vision was back when I was with the Empire."

"It's likely you've connected before then too, but you don't remember."

"Sometimes I would have dreams where I was running through unfamiliar streets. I would swipe food off carts and from vendors. There would be Imperial's chasing me. Sometimes I would see these two people, vaguely."

"Perhaps the Force can let you see what the other sees through your bond. That may be something to test." Ben gave her a long look. "I sense there is a lot you should tell him about. It may be he has a few things to share with you."

"We haven't exactly had a lot of time to have heart to hearts except for when we narrowly avoid death," Ania said, flushing a little.

"Ania, I know that look all too well. You must be wary when you let yourself form attachments. The way of the old Jedi may be gone now, but their beliefs still hold some value. Don't let your feelings betray you." He sighed. "I have seen it destroy many good and noble Jedi."

"You don't have to worry, Master."

"Don't dismiss this caution. It is a dangerous path you walk. There is always a chance of one of you losing the other. What will happen when you do? How will you react? What will you do?"

Ania's eyes widened a bit. Ben sighed and shook his head. "I'm an old man. I tend to give out advice to every young person I meet." He stood up stiffly. "Now, what did you decide about those lightsabers?"

Ania smiled faintly. "I think it's time to build some new ones."

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