Mysteries of the Senate

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    (I promise the next chapter will be better. I'm super tired today but wanted to get this one written so I can move to the good stuff lol)

    The shuttle touched down and opened to a glaring city, one Ania had hoped never to see again. Bail Organa led the three girls off the ship. A Togruta was waiting for them on the platform. "Senator Organa, I'm glad to see you back safely," the woman said.

    "Senator Li," Bail dipped his head in greeting. "May I introduce Ania Bonteri, Tolsa Lee, and Sabine Wren."

    Ania took a closer look at the senator of Shili. She was tall with gray skin and white facial markings. Her long montrals were adorned with an elaborate headdress. Senator Li's black eyes glittered as she examined them. Her gaze rested on Ania. "You do not look like your father," she said.

    "My mother tells me I get my personality from him. Mainly the annoying side."

    Aura smiled faintly. "I hope you will live up to his legacy. Come. We should prepare the three of you. There is much to do today." She motioned for them to follow.

A short shuttle ride saw them to the Galactic Senate building. Numerous senators and guards bustled through the ornate hallways. Ania had hidden her lightsabers in her bag and was trying to keep her head down. Senator Li led them through less occupied halls, but it was impossible to avoid people entirely. Ania breathed a sigh of relief when they reached the senator's office.

The large room was decorated with red, blue, and gold. Five rooms branched off from the main lounging area. One room was a bathroom, two were bedrooms, the other was a dining area, and the last was Senator Li's private office. Senator Li motioned the three girls into one of the rooms. Three outfits lay on the bed.

She moved to the midnight blue gown, similar to her own, and held it out to Ania. "It is tradition for my wards to wear my colors," she explained. Ania took the dress. "There is a headpiece to go with it, but it will come later." Aura Li snatched up a gold dress and passed it to Tolsa. "You will act as our handmaiden." A suit of armor was next. It was handed to Sabine. "The helmet was made to mimic Togruta montrals. No one will doubt it's authenticity."

Senator Li passed her stern gaze over them again. "Tolsa, handmaidens speak only to their mistresses or when spoken to. I hope you can remember this? Sabine, our guards are silent at all times. You must not speak at all unless we are alone." Tolsa and Sabine nodded their understanding. Senator Li turned to Ania. "We will have to do something about your markings. They make you too recognizable. You will be using the name Eira Li while you are here. She is my niece and luckily for you, you share the same traits. We can have someone paint over your markings until they look like Eira's."

Ania nodded. "So what do we do until tomorrow?"

"I will show you around the Senate building. This afternoon, it will be nearly deserted due to another conference being held at the Emperor's palace. All the senators must go, but our wards will remain behind. You will use that time to find what you need," Senator Li said. "I'll leave you to it. Please be ready in 15 minutes." She stepped out of the room.

The girls quickly changed into their new outfits. Tolsa was given a type of paint to use on Ania. After finding a hologram of Eira, it took Tolsa only a few minutes to create Eira's markings on Ania. When they had finished, Aura Li took a golden headpiece and arranged it on Ania. She gave them a scrutinizing look and motioned Bail over.

"What do you think?"

"They'll fit right in," Bail grinned. "I must go prepare for the conference tonight. I will see you all at the vote tomorrow." Bail bowed and left swiftly.

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