Dancing Hearts (3)

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This story features my character, Kein Rei, and Ruby, who belongs to ValarousDenivene . This is a collaborative story between the two of us, and it will span over a series of parts.

Cantonica: 3 BBY
Kein Rei

"Is that the best you've got?" He taunted, stalking around the clearing. Just as she'd promised, Ruby had been teaching him a few new tricks. Kein was quick to pick them up. After almost a week and a half, he felt like his skills had greatly improved. More so by his own hard work, of course, and less so by Ruby's teaching.

"I was going easy on you," Ruby shot back. She twirled her lightsaber in her hand. She only had one of the red blades activated. Kein was using two plasma blades. He'd been able to restock his weapons since the Scorpion had been retrieved.

Kein crept around her once more, then launched his new attack. He feinted left, then ducked right, but Ruby caught it. She blocked his attack and twisted around him. Kein scuffed at the ground, throwing dirt towards her face. Ruby turned away, distracted. Kein sprinted towards her and rolled over her bent back. Just as she straightened, he drove the hilts of his blades into her gut.

She coughed, the breath forced out of her. Ruby dropped to the ground and Kein flipped on top of her, pinning her legs down with his. "Sure you were," he laughed.

"I see you've been practicing that move," Ruby rasped. Kein let her up and she drew in a few deep breaths.

"It's useful," he admitted, sheathing his blades.

Ruby cocked her head curiously. "Why do you use plasma blades? I haven't met many bounty hunters who do." She clipped her lightsaber onto her belt.

"My targets sometimes carry lightsabers," he replied, gesturing towards her own. "They're not impervious to lightsaber attacks, but they hold up long enough for me to complete my mission usually."

"Oh." Kein waited for the guarded look to fill her gaze, but surprisingly, it didn't. In fact, he hadn't seen it as often as he had at first. "Come on. I'd better check your injury again and make sure you didn't hurt yourself."

"Hey, I only reopened the wound once and that was partially your fault. You shouldn't have kicked me on that side."

Ruby gave him a wry smirk. "I knew exactly what I was doing."

"I know." He followed her into the cave and sat down. Kein shrugged his shirt off and waited while she checked his side.

It looked fine to him, but he was no expert. He knew when he was dying and how to prolong his death, and that was the extent of his knowledge. Ruby's hands were gentle as she felt along the wound. It looked much better than it had originally.

"I think it's basically completely healed," she said as she stood up.

"Thanks to your miracle hands, Sweetheart," Kein teased. He threw his shirt back on and stood as well. "Although, you do know what this now means."

Ruby stiffened, her green eyes flashing with wariness. "What?"

"I don't have to hold back when we spar," Kein chuckled.

She slapped a hand against his chest. "Like you did before." Ruby crossed the cave and started digging through a crate of clothes.

"What are you doing?"

"I have another performance at the casino tonight. I've got to be ready to go soon."

"Oh. Well then, I just want you to know that you smell like a rancor that's been dead for a week."

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