Chapter 11: Varcity Track

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Getting her change, I held it out but realized as her hand moved closer, she'll touch me.

Letting go abruptly, I cringed at the sound of the change bouncing over the counter. My eyes glued to what I just did and pursed my lips.

She stared at me carefully before taking the cash and pushing the coins into a pile, "Keep it for anyone missing change." She said before calling bye to Lue and heading out the door.

Lue walked over with annoyance all over her face, then she stared between the door and me, "She's afraid of your crazy girlfriend." She stated as she reached past me and grabbed the change.

I didn't say anything, I just kept quiet, and she cocked an eyebrow at me, "You're so weird." She muttered.

Then she sniffed me, oddly, "You should know you don't smell as bad as Kyro. Your scent is more like a shampooed or groomed dog. Kyro is a sweaty wet dog scent." She cringed as she said it and I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

Her eyes looked up at me and she gave me the strangest look, "If that psycho girlfriend of yours ever lays a hand on Veta, I swear I'll kill her. I swear it." She said furrowing her brows to let me know she was serious.

It was nice knowing Veta had someone so protective over her, and although I wanted to say 'Me too', I said "Understandable." Instead.

She gave a nod and turned focusing on marking down some clearance books.

Ava stopped by when I got off and Lue gave her a look of pure disgust and anger.

I walked with Ava to the house, and she had us take an immense amount of her stupid photos for her page.

Ava is an "Influencer" whatever that is.

All I know is that she makes us take a ridiculous amount of photos, thankfully most of her doing things or pretending to go into stores and review them despite the fact she doesn't actually go in.

We walked up our street while she bent down and made a snowball, "Throw this at me and record it." She said placing it in my hand while holding out her phone.

I inwardly sighed and held the phone, recording her while I gently threw the snowball at her chest. It exploded in white fluffy puffs and she fake laughed, acting surprised.

Handing her the phone back, she watched the video about three times before posting it.

I don't do that whole social media crap, it just seems too much of a hassle. Plus I hate people knowing things about my life.

Zelda was carrying in some bags and gave us both a smile, "Hey! Can't wait to see you all tonight!" She said proudly.

What? Shit, is it Friday already?

Ava gave Zelda a look over, "Can't wait." She said with a fake smile before taking my arm and pulling me toward the house before I could offer to help.

We all had to look our best, and since Lue kept telling Kyro he smelt like sweaty dog, he was showering for about an hour.

"Kyro! Come on! I need the fucking shower." Luca said as he pounded his fist on the door.

Kyro just sang louder and Luca cursed him out before going upstairs.

Anya was adding some caramel drizzle over her cheesecake and smiling proudly down at it. All I can think about is the fact Ava is going to kill Veta tonight if she even glances my way.

An hour later, we all walked over, feeling like some huge crowd, going to raid a home or something.

The front door was open and the home smelt like cinnamon and honey, we all slowly went in and Anya walked toward the kitchen.

Wolves Of Mount BayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon