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My face heated up. We just confined eating. Dinner ended and we went back to the dorms. The ride was silent. I was sitting in the car looking out the window. Think about life. I then started crying. "Wa?" I turned to everyone.

"Omg Y/n! Are you ok?" Jisung was sitting next to me, he put his arm around me and pulled me into a hug.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Chan turned around and asked me.

"I dont know.  I was think about life and I started crying."

"I wonder if it's because you miss home maybe?" Jisung said letting go and wiping my tears away. I then realized I still have his jacket. I start to take it off. Jisung put his hand on my hand to stop me. "I'm fine, give it to me tomorrow." I nodded. I felt tired and put my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.......

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