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Journal Entry #9

The night Channie left
for Seoul

Sitting in the backseat of the car. Being warmed by the heat of the car. It was late at night, I feel asleep. After a few, I get woken up by a bright light, more like many bright lights. I open my eyes and let them adjust to the brightness. Once my eyes were adjusted to the light, I was welcomed by tall buildings.

"Mommy, were are we?" I asked in a tired voice.

"We are in Sydney."


"Your brother is being dropped of at the airport. He is moving to Soeul, South Korea. And we are moving to Sydney, remember?" My father said.

"I thought we are moving here, why is Channie moving somewhere else?" I asked, my eyes started to water at the thought of not having my brother with me.

"Its ok sis, dont cry. I'll visit you as soon as I can, I promise, pinky promise." Chan held out his pinky, I rapped my pinky around his.

I walked out the car and ran to Chan, I gave him a big hug, stuffing my face into his chest, soaking his shirt with my tears.

"Shhhh, it's ok, I wont be gone forever, it will feel like it, but don't worry I will be back. I love you sis. See you another time." My dad and mom had to pull me off of Chan. He slowly walked away to this tall man called Jinyoung. His head was down, I could tell he was crying too. My dad carried me to the car, laid me down in the backseat. I feel back asleep. Next thing I know, I woke up on a couch, in a place I've never been in. I guess this is my new home...

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