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Lets just say he tried doing things. I managed to stall him for a while, making the time 5:50, he then tried to go further and I ran into my room, locking myself in there with Bailey, Zima was just sitting on the bed.

"You can't hid forever Y/n! Just come out and get it hover with."
It's 5:52, I can't wait any longer.


Please come over right now!

Coming over right now

Not to long later Jisung comes into my apartment. I unlocked the door when he was in the shower, I noticed he locked it when he came in. Chul then tried to talk to him. "Hey man!"

"Hey, where is Y/n?!"

"She locked herself in her room with her animals. I don't know what up." He was trying to play the innocent game.

Jisung then knocked. "Y/n?" I then slightly open to door, just enough so I can see who it is. Its Jisung, I quickly open the door and bring him in. Locking it behind me. "Woah?!" I cover his mouth. "Ok, y/n what's wrong?" I bring him over to the corner farthest from the door.

"Ok, if we whisper he won't hear us."

"Y/n what's going on I'm worried." He whispered to me, we sat down on the floor.

"I'm not safe here."

"What do you mean?"

"He tried to-"

"Assault you?" I nodded hugging him. He hugged me. "I'm hear Y/n, what do you want me to do?"

"Please call the police."

"You got it." He then called the police. Sooner than later they were here. They took him away. The rest of straykids shows up.

"Omg sis!" Chan hugged me. "Are you ok?! I'm so sorry! It's my fault."

"Christopher Bang! It is not! You had no idea, none of us did, so don't beat yourself up!"


"What did she say?" JYP stepped in.

"Sir! I'm so sorry, I di-"

"Ah! No need to say anything, don't say you did the wrong thing, or sorry if you messed up. I'm happy you called the police. And Jisung, thank you for helping her. Now Y/n, please come explain things to the police to me, so we can get things cleared up."

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