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The show was really fun. We all goofed around. We also got to know each other more, by asking questions and having to guess the answers. But when it was jisungs turn, it got serious.

"Ok! So it's now my turn for questions! YEAH!" He yelled with joy, he had loosened up after a little of shooting this.

"YEAH!" We yelled back.

"Ok!...." he went on about his questions, embarrassing Chan and the members, Chan and I embarrassed each other.

But then he asked another question. "There is this celebrity I really like! Who is she?" I then got really sad, but hid that fact. Everyone tried guessing.

"Give is a hint!" We all started screaming.

"Ok!ok! He said. "The hint is... she is a newer artist!" They went at it again. I was wondering who, who is this girl. She must be better than me. "Ok! Will give you another hint! She is a soloist, she is not in a group." They went at it again.

"Tell us!" They yelled.

Jisung then got up and walked around the room looking at everyone. The second time around he stopped at me. I just looked at him. He then started speaking. "I like Y/n" everyone gasped.

"IT ALL MAKE SENSE!" hechul said standing up. I started to blush and hid my face in the blanket I was given. I was sitting with Chan. "Now the real question is, does she like him back?!"

I then looked up, my face covered below my eyes. I just looked around the room. I started to speak. "I like you too." He then hugged me.

Everyone then started to jump around "wonder how this will go after." We then tried to end the shooting. After we where in the dressing rooms, Hechul then talked to us. " you shouldn't have said that."

"Why?" Jisung said.

"You could jeopardize your career and hers." He was saying.

"But JYP has already talked with me, well I actually asked him already, and he said it's fine." Jisung was saying. "I'm just not going to say anything until The episode is released and people see it."

"Then you are going to have JYP confirm and then us?" I asked.

"Yep." We then by this time, we finished with getting changed, so back to the dorms we go.

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