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Hey sis!

Hey broo!!

I heard the good news!
About your debut!!!!
Proud of youuu,
Knew you could do it!

Thank youuuu!!
I can't waittt

You already have a good following! That's good.



Shouldn't you be in bed, it's 3am for you!



I put my phone down and shook my head. "It's kinda lonely here, alone..... Let's get a pet!" I put my shoes on and headed out to the pet store.

I walked in and was welcomed. "Hello! Welcome! Feel free to look around, let me know if ant cat or dog is bothering you!" I nodded my head.

"I actually have a question."

"What's that my dear?"

"How much is it for one cat and dog?"

"It's xx won."

"Thank you!"

I then continued to look around, there are cats and dogs wondering around in the store. One kitten and puppy have been following me the whole time. I found some cute bowls, a leash, dog bed, some toys for both a cat and dog, I also found a small cat tree, and treats.
I decided to get the cat and dog, along with there stuff, tho I had to call up Jaewon to help me. "Heyy, Could you come to xx pet store pleaseee, I need your help."

"Yes I'll be there shortly with my car."

He then hung up and headed over.

"Ma'am, I would like to get this kitten and puppy please. There to cute!"

"Ah yes! Please bring them over to me." I then picked them up and put them on the counter. She then went to the back room and got some paperwork. "I just need you to pay xx and sign the papers, I will give you a copy of all that you need. They are both fixed too!" I proceed to pay and sign. Then the door opened. I turned around.

"Jaewon!" I said smiling. "Come here!" He came over. "Look!"

"Awww, they are so cute!!"

"Yes could you keep an eye on them for a second, I need to get there stuff." He nodded and I got all that I needed, food, treats, poop bags, littler, a litter box, leash, collar, dog bed, food dishes, toys, and even the small cat tree. She rung it all up.

"This all will be xx won please." I put my credit card in and Jaewon started to put stuff in his car. I put the leash on the dog and gave her to Jaewon, when I carried the kitten. I hoped into the car.

"Let's go!" I smiled. We headed to my dorm. "Imma teach the dog how to use the litter box!"

"You have to teach the both of them."

"I know." We get there. I bring the kitten an dog in, Jaewon said he got the rest. So it took him two trips. "You wanna hangout?"


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