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We all ran out and into my new dorm. "WOAH!!" we all said as we walked in.

"Im jealous!" Minho said.

"Me too!" Hyunjin said.

"Me three!" I.n. said

"Me four!" Seungmin said.

"Alright she gets it we are all jealous!" Chan said.

I just chuckled. I walked to the bed room. "I'll be coming over alot." Jisung whispered to me. He scared me. So I jumped he chuckled.

"Ok, just don't scare me next time."

"You got it." He said and walked off.

We then went back to there place. I got my stuff and headed to my place to get settled down. Next thing I know I hear a knock on the door. I go and open it. "Oh Jis-" he pushes me aside and walkes in. "Oh, ok then. What up?"

"I got some flowers for you."

"Oh! You didn't have to!"

"But it's as a house warming gift?" He said as if he didnt know what he was saying.

"Haha ok, thank you anyway." I run over to my kitchen and get a tall cup out, put some water in it and then the flower. I walk over to the island in the room and put the flowers on it. I walk into the living room and sit next to Jisung and give him a hug. "Thank you! They are so pretty!"

"J-s- --k- yo-." Jisung whispered something.

"What?" I said

"Hm? Oh, nothing!" He said. "I should get back to the boys before they start to worry." He started to get up.

"Ok." I followed him to the door. He turned around and gave me a hug. He went to walk out. But he quickly turned around and before I closed the door, he kissed my forehead. Then ran back to his dorm, I stood there in shock. I slowly closed the door and sat down on a stool staring at the flowers for an hour..

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