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Chan sat down next to me and whispered to me. "I think you should get to writing lyrics more than watching dramas with my band mate, Y/n." 

Thats when it hit me.  I have still so much to get, yet I feel like I have finished. Jisung also has his own career, and so don't I. 

"Oh my god, ugh what am I doing?"

"You okay Y/n?"

"You should go."

"Yeah chan."

"No I mean you too. I think I should be by myself."

"Now Y/n, I didn't mean you have to isolate your self from us. You just need some help staying on track."

"Thats why I WANT you guys to leave."


"What Chan?" I was getting frustrated, and with what happened recently, I'm about to cry.

"Are you getting depressed again?"


"Are you?" He started to be that nice brother. "Please tell me." All I did was huge him.

"Chan, I feel like I'm not enough, I'm not doing enough. Your telling me to do this and that. And I understand that your trying to help, but JYP is too. And I feel like some things get me stresses. But I know I have to continue."

"And I already know you won't say anything because you don't want to me a burden." I nodded.

"I also really like hanging out with Jisung, not only is he a good friend, he also is someone nice to be around, is caring, I feel like I can be myself. I feel my best with him. But I also don't want to sound like I'm using him. Chan I'm Lost........ please help"

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