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After I ate I went back to my studio, I did a little composing. Then a knock, I run and get it.
"Hello Y/n! I am your manager! My name is Junyoung! It's nice to meet you!!" He had a big smile on his face, I smiled back. We talked for a good couple of hours. "Ah, I'm sorry, I have to go!! I got things I have to do. It was nice meeting you, I'm glad to be your manager!"

"I'm glad your my manager! Bye!" He then left. It was 5, so I went back to writing. I heard loud music. "What the hell? I've heard music before, but not this loud before." It was coming from the room behind me. So I went to ask to turn down the music a little. I go in and it's even louder. "Why are they all in a small studio?" I open the door to the studio, cross my arms, and just stand there, they all then noticed me.

"Hello sis!" Chan said. "Stay! My sister is here!!"

"Ohhhh, it's a Chan room ok! But can you turn the music down, I'm trying to focus."

"Ah yes sorry!" Chan says. I was about to leave. "Sis what's your Instagram, so I can tell stay what it is, and so they can keep and eye out for your debut?"

"It's original dot y/n!" I said.

"Guys go follow y/n! Go to her YouTube linked on her Instagram and support her! She is amazing!!" Jisung said.

"I couldn't agree more!!" Hyunjin said trying to keep tensions low. I would text Minho and Hyunjin every now and then, I guess when I get brought up or something that relates to me gets brought up, tensions are high. Chan is so over protective. Oh well.

I go back into my studio and continued writing. Its now 7, i go and eat. I decided to head home at 10 instead of 12. I continued writing in the last couple of hours. I walk home and go to sleep

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