Domination V.S Wrath

Start from the beginning

Issei slowly got himself up recovering from it as you began to charge again, once close enough he dodged your initial hit and countered your second by intercepting your hit with a cross guard and then head-butted you to make you back off.

Taking a step or two back it was your turn to defend. Issei had quickly tried to seize the opportunity, his form was off but impressed he would go for it, let alone land something hit wise. He landed a basic jab into your shoulder and nailed a kick into your side. Stumbling a bit as he transitioned his weight he went for a full force cross punch, due to his stumble you dodged and landed a hard hit to the back of his head. He quickly slammed to the ground, letting out a shout of pain. As he slowly went to push himself up to recover you slammed your foot to his back.

"Give up. You're outmatched and outclassed I'd say this is checkmate" you told him as you kept your foot planted as he tried time and again to raise off the ground. The others surprised by how quickly you seemed use to your new power. You let out a sigh and began to let off the pressure on his back.

Within that moment believing Issei had given up was the worst thing to assume. He rose quicker than you expected him to, and landed a hard punch with his gauntlet covered arm to your face. With a satisfying "BOOST" as he sent you rocketing back towards the tree line.

As you recovered you felt your anger bubbling up as you felt warm blood leaking from your nose and mouth area. You let out a loud yell of rage. Barely able to keep your restrictions up any more.

Issei prepared himself fearful as he was, he wouldn't back down, not yet anyway. As you slowly rose from the ground, you burst into a high speed sprint towards Issei. Once to gap was closed, you began to throw punches left and right Issei narrowly avoiding most due to your inaccurate rage spike. But the few that hit were continuously climbing in power.

The next punch thrown was from Issei as he avoided a hit and sent back another with more power than the one that caused this rage. Causing you to stumble back and cough hard as his hit had nailed your abdomen.

"Control yourself boy! Unless you wish to walk away a loser in this battle! Is that what you wish! Control your rage and convert it to strength! The red one capitalizes on domination, and we are already destined to be weaker than him due to such an occasion! Every Gray dragon such as you has been weaker than their red and white rivals. If you can't control and capitalize on your Wrath then you shall fall like the rest of your soul line. And if that happens...I shall consume you, and like the her you will be in the sea of souls that are left to test the newer generation of Gray dragons to come." Said your dragon within, he sounded sad near the end. That pep talk though was exactly what you needed to rein yourself back in.

As you regained control a thought came to mind as you kept up your defense.

His boost understabley will heighten his strength each time he does boost, but the power he is hitting you with when back into a corner is different, it is stronger than that. As this thought boggled your mind a response immediately came to you.

"He capitalizes on domination remember. When someone, let alone a dragon, is backed into a corner they become desperate for a moment to regain control of the battle, in his case he becomes many times stronger because of this. He is the dragon of domination after all, the though of himself being dominated is his nightmare! Learn from this and adapt your fighting style, trick him into thinking this fight is his then at the last second ascend from the pit with your Wrath alone and take this battle!" Shouted Brutus in your mind. Risky to throw the fight in order to weaken him a tad but the surprise factor could give you the moment you need to win. Letting a sigh out you decided to listen to your dragon.

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