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Kirishima's POV
Aizawa just announced that there are going to be dorms.My eyes darted to my desk, knowing why this has happened.This crawling feeling makes me shiver before I started listening again to what the male said.
"...so have your parents signature and pack your things!"Aizawa finished leaving murmurs and chatter as Midoriya raised his hand to than walk out with Aizawa.Then after a little while Todoroki followed suit.I glanced at Bakugo who was looking at me.
"...what?"I muttered as his eyes drifted slightly.
"Nothing.."he said as he turned around to face the window.I sighed as I went through the permission slip, explaining what would happen and a line that showed where to write a signature.I slipped it in my bag before having Aizawa walk into tell us to get out a book and go to page 268.

When Midoriya and Todoroki came back in After about 30 minutes they apologized but they judged got shooed off.Aizawa...didn't mind?It was weird since anyone who wasn't sitting in their seat were considered invisible until the next class.I waved it off as Aizawa explained something about some type of mathematic equation.After school Bakugo walked me home.This has been happening more often, ever since...that happened.
"You seem envious of those two,"Bakugo said after a while and I jumped at the sudden confrontation.
"...I...I do.."I said with a nervous laugh, my gaze going down to my feet.
"Your always looking at them with this jealous face...like you want what they have...whatever that shit is.."Bakugo said slipping his reckless speech into his voice.
"..am I...haha..."I couldn't admit it..admit to my love of the thought of being loved.We walked in silence before reaching my house.
"...next week when we have to move into the dorms, want me to help you get your stuff to there?"He asked his gaze over to the side, and I could see a small tint of pink as he hid his face slightly.
"Sure!"And then I was aching for next week to come quickly.

{1 week later}
It's the day, I packed my things yesterday and my mom is now cooking but I don't feel ready, ready to move out and leave my family only seeing them for seasonal breaks.I heard the door bell ring and my feet pressed against the hard wood floor before I quickly opened the door to see Bakugo wearing jeans and a black t-shirt, a bag slung over his shoulder with his school bag over his other shoulder.
"Uh hey,"I said with a slight smile as his gaze turned away
Is he..uncomfortable?
"You ready?"he asked getting straight to the point.
"Oh yeah, my mom's cooking is you haven't already come eat with us, before we go,"I offer and his eyes dart from my house to me almost as if to say
Are you sure?
"Okay,"he said shifting the bags slightly.
"Good, you can put the bags at the door,"I say as I walk inside going to the kitchen.I the door shut as I Bakugo shuffling around before coming into the kitchen.My mom smiled at him, and he nodded with agreement.I paused at their interaction it was as if....she thought something didn't she.I shrugged it off before getting an omelette and some bacon.Bakugo thanked my mom as she put down some salt, pepper and some types of sauces.Bakugo grabbed the hot sauce an I watched as he put what looked like gallons of a medium level hot sauce, if I had had even a spoonful I'd be crying and getting a runny noise.But bakugo just ate the eggs his gaze staying on the table.
"Do you like spicy foods?"I asked, my fork poking at my omelette.
"Yeah, you?"
"A little I guess, though I can't really handle it,"I said and he tilted his head before smirk mischievously.He forced a forkful of hot eggs into my mouth making my eyes water and my noes run.I reluctantly swallowed it before stiffening my eyes leaking tears, as I tried resisting the pain.After a moment though I couldn't handle it, I raced to the refrigerator to dig out a milk container.I gulped down the milk so fast that I thought I'd be I'd die from choking. I coughed violently, before getting some hard pats from Bakugo to clear my system.
"Ha you really can't handle it!"he laughed as I breathed heavily the spice still coating my tongue.His hand stuck on my shoulder making my heart pound harder.
Why am I getting all excited?
His eyes went from my eyes, my lips to my neck his scent engulfed me with something-
"Eijiro!!"My mom yelled making me jump.
"You two should hurry up, Eijiro get your stuff Bakugo you can go and finish eating,"she said her head popping out toward us her black hair moving to the right as her head tilted.We nodded ignoring the slight tension that was growing in the room.I grabbed my bag before going to the bathroom, almost clearly recalling that I drank 1/3 of a carton of milk.After I was done I heard talking comping from the kitchen.
"He-?"I was about to speak up but I heard my mom and Bakugo talking.
"Haha he's been that way all his life,"my mother laughed
"That makes sense,"Bakugo said back in a slight whisper before his eye darted to me from the corner of his eye.
"Oi get out here already,"he said and I followed my gaze going from my mom to Bakugo.
They were talking about me?
"You two should get going now, Eijiro you remember what we agreed on right?"
"Yes mom, I won't get into trouble now let us go before we miss any announcements.
"Okay..Okay...Thank you for coming Bakugo please make sure Eijiro doesn't get into any trouble."he nodded as we walked out, I said my last goodbye before we headed to the school dorms.

After announcement we were told to go to our respective rooms.It took hours for me to finish and once I was nearly done I sighed getting on my chair that was hidden in a box outside my door.I leaned on it feeling my eyes grow heavy before-
Knock knock knock
I jumped my eyes darting to my door.I opened it to see Bakugo.
"Hey, what's up,"
"Our shitty classmates want us to go downstairs for a sleepover or something,"he said sounding very annoyed by this.
"Oh that should be fun,"I smile before getting a pillow and a blanket.
"Where are you going?"Bakugo asked as I went the opposite way of the elevator.
"Going to get Midoriya, see if he wants to come,"he looked at me for a brief second before huffing mumbling a 'do whatever you want' before going over to the elevator, leaning on the nearest wall.I smiled before knocking on Midoriya's door.

We went down to the lobby to see most of the class sitting down, I led Bakugo to the far end of the couch squeezing in, almost all the space was taken by everyone, only a few people sitting on the floor.I rested my head against the couch arm, feeling sleepy, but my eyes couldn't close as someone started the movie.
After we watched the movie we played truth or dare.
"Kirishima truth or dare,"someone said after a while.
"Uh truth?"I asked mostly to myself I didn't know what they'd ask at all.
"What's Your biggest turn on?"people snickered and others blushed the same as me.
"How am I even supposed to answer that!?"I whined my face hot.
"What turns you on, Like is it smell looks, something the person dose,"Uraraka explains and My blush deepened.My mouth opened then closed then opened again.
"I guess a certain smell..." I said my hands hiding my red face.People chuckled and laughed, but they went on with the game.
"Bakugo truth or d-!"Mina started to ask but got interrupted by him.
"Do something seductive to the person to your right,"the girls squeals getting closer to us.I looked at him then to the person to the left of him.
I'm on his right!
I tried crawling away but stopped, Bakugo's eyes filled with lust my omega loved the smell he brought off.I pressed my legs together, I was already getting hard.He grabbed a handful of my shirt before kissing me.I moaned as he pressed his hand against my ass.I pulled away reluctantly, my eyes darting away as my hand covered my face.My shirt falling off my shoulder as I leaned on the couch.Everyone stared, I blushed hard as Bakugo sat back down leaving me with my hard member that wanted to be touched.I eventually couldn't take it and went to the bathroom as the second movie played and went to fix my 'problem'.I sat back down afterward my body leaning on the couch awkwardly trying to get away from Bakugo.But eventually I couldn't and my head leaned on his shoulder before I fell asleep.

Bakugo's POV
He's so dense.My hand wrapped around his waist before I kissed his head.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed and have a nice weekend

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