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Hello I'm so sorry that I'm updating this so late, but there might...possibly...definitely be a smut in this chapter so stay tuned.Hope you enjoy.(and if any of you readers want me to do a little extra chapter for the holidays I shall, even if it isn't requested.)

Todoroki's POV

It's time, we're going to be seeing Izuku's mom.I could tell that Izuku was starting to get nervous though, his body stiff as we walked in the cold winter air.I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, he jumped slightly before looking at my from the corner of his eye.
"I'm here, if she gives you or me any trouble we'll leave,"I say, knowing that he doesn't want to be near her.He nods, his breath making a cloud appear before disappearing in a matter of seconds.It took a few minutes before we reached the gray, dull looking building.We opened the doors to see policemen typing in computers before one glanced up at us and gestured us to come in.
"What are two high school boys like you two, doing here?"the police officer said his voice sounding annoyed yet confused.
"We're here to see Inko Midoriya,"I say as Izuku starts to panic, already trying to get out of here, he doesn't like this place.I don't either.
"Ah, the newbie who assaulted her kid, you family?"he asked and I looked at Midoriya my eyes softening as his face lowered.
"I-i am.."Izuku whispers, his body tense with nervousness.
"Hmmm...so you want to visit her, Okay...what's your names?"he asked as we gave him our ID's."Midoriya, and Todoroki...Ha..Okay...Wait over there, we'll have family go in first, then you,"he says clearly talking about me since I have no blood ties to his family.
Not yet anyway
My alpha has been dying to make Izuku mine ever since we got tightened but I've been holding off waiting for the right time...but it isn't easy when everyone comments how we still haven't become mates yet.We sit down on some chairs that are facing this door and after a few minutes one of the officers from the lobby.
"You have a few minutes alone than your friend can come in to,"he says to Izuku who stands up and nods, his body shaking, as he's let in.
I'm here
Suddenly Izuku faces me, seeming shocked, had I sad that out loud?Izuku smiled and words formed in my head.
I know
Our bond has been growing, we're tired together, even without being mates.I smiled before resting on the chair waiting for my time to join in.

It had only been a few minutes but I could tell something wasn't right.There was talking, but I couldn't understand was being said.And after a while there was silence before I heard a loud crash as yelling began, hormones flaring, and before long policemen that heard the situation going on got in there but I went in first.And I saw....

A few minutes earlier(Izuku's POV)
I went in, my legs were shaking and my body was tense.I sat down in front of the women that I once called my mother.I don't hate her...no...I just don't have any affection toward the women that made me scared to feel.That made me scared to love, and to be loved in return.So you could say I hate her, but I think I hate that she was able to make me a vulnerable shell for all these years.
"Hey, brat, what the hell are you doing here, I thought you ran off to that fucking Alpha of your?"she hissed out
"I wanted to confront this, I wanted to make this relationship between you and me better, mom,"I say not fazed by her, not anymore, not now when I had the power of my alpha that stood by me for all this time.
"Fucking hell, your such a weak fucking omega aren't you, you finally have something to fucking hold onto now that I'm chained up,"she hissed her annoyance visible
"I'm not holding on to anything, I'm just embracing the chance to feel loved, instead of hated,"I say my throat tightening as I can see the women getting angrier.
"What the fuck do you take me for, huh!A fucking piece of trash, your a fucking omega, your worse than me, you are below me!!DON'T FUCKING THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME WITH YOUR WEAK TALK!!I OWN YOU!!I FUCKING OWN YOU!!"she screamed and I could tell her wolf was flaring, angry at the power I held as the table that held had her handcuffed to it moved her body pushing it forward as she stood up.I couldn't take it.I pushed the table back at her as I lunged forward grabbing her neck forcefully.
"YOU DON'T FUCKING OWN ME!!!You never did AND YOU NEVER WILL!!"I didn't know that I was screaming until I was.And before I knew it my emotions tackled me, tears slid down my checks.I was being pulled away as the police restrained my mother who was now cursing, and yelling at me even louder now then before.
"YOU OWE ME!!YOU FUCKING OWE ME FOR PUTTING UP WITH YOUR WEAK ASS!!YOU MADE ME LOSS EVERYTHING I EVER HADE!!YOU OWE ME YOU PEICE OF SHI-!!"She kept yelling and yelling until they pushed her into another room, her angry screams still heard even then.I couldn't help by press my face against Todoroki's chest sobs abruptly coming out gasps, and pants.O felt my whole being scream in anger, as I forced myself not to chase after her and kill her.
"It's okay, your okay,"Todoroki's voice stopped my thoughts, my sobs as we sat down waiting for someone to tell us something.But they never did, they just said for us to go, and visit when she isn't as hostile.I agreed.But I would rather never see her again.

Time skip(todoroki's POV)
We walked to the dorms.Sure we knew that most people would be away for the holidays with there family for about 2 weeks but I don't think we would like any family time, at least not today. We went inside the lobby and I could tell the majority of our classmates were home.
Perfect timing
My alpha wanted this.This would be the only chance we would have this time alone without any interruptions.We went in the elevator and I pressed the button to go to my floor.It wasn't really unusual for us to sleep in the same room now, it just wasn't common that we'd chose my room.But I could tell Izuku knew what I wanted his eyes glowed with this understanding, and I knew he getting turned on by even the thought of us doing it in my room.Once the elevator door opened I rushed Izuku in, feeling my alphas excitement skyrocket as I push Izuku on to the door closing us in my dark room, the only lighting being from the moon.
"Are you sure you want to..?"I asked but I knew from his member popping up against the fabric of his pants, and I bet he could see mine to.
"You know I'm ready,"it was his omega, his eyes shown with this green light as I gaped at his beautiful eyes, his and my wolves were starting to get impatient.Izuku pushed me against the wall, his face inching toward me before his tongue slid against my neck.I moaned as he tickled my scent gland, my alpha was finally in control.I kissed him my hands gliding down to his shirt as I get ready to take it off, and after I do this I take my own off, pushing Izuku to the bed.I grab a condum, placing it near me, as I unbuckle my jeans.Izuku followed his eyes still glowing as stared at my exposed skin.Once I was done ridding myself of the clothes I had worn.I looked at Izuku's body, and it brang me back to the time when you could see his ribs, when he was kidnapped and when he was beaten by his mother.My alpha was angry at the memories, but now his body was petit but it had health to it.I slid my tongue against his pale skin making him blush before he moaned.I purred at this before doing a circular motion against his nipple.Those sounds were beautiful, and I did everything I could to make them heard.I traced my finger down his chest before ridding him of the boxers that still hugged his southern region.I looked at his member as I My erection grew I couldn't help but stop being so slow and get on with this.I followed my Alpah and I lowered my head to his cock, and then I started licking, sucking hard making him moan and after this I grabbed his thighs, as he came his sensitive cock spilling out the white liquids.I couldn't hold back anymore and I put the condum on before slamming myself into his unprepared ass.Izuku screamed, but his omega was loving it, the glowing of his eyes became fiercer as I bit his skin leaving marks around his body.I thrusted into him, my eyes glowing as I pulled his legs over my shoulders.As I slammed into him Izuku moaned his mouth open wide as saliva dropped down his mouth, at the pleasure.And then I finally came, before biting down hard on Izuku's scent gland, while he came again, leaving us breathless, our wolves finally satisfying the hunger for that sweet release.
"We're finally mates,"
"Yeah we are,"
Yes after the long wait they have finally become mates, thank you for reading hope you enjoyed, and see you next time bye

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