Carter may have been Switzerland with my parents, but I was Switzerland with my siblings. Call it middle child syndrome; always the peace keepers.

Once at the restaurant, things had calmed down. Caralyn and I decided to split a bottle of the house Cabernet, and I took it upon myself to order a Diet Coke for the "young boy." Carter glared at us as we both snickered.

Ordering drinks was easy. It was the sushi that got tricky. I hadn't had a lot of sushi in my life, so when Caralyn was recommending rolls with eel and other raw aquatic critters, I politely declined. To play it safe, I decided to get one California roll, and one shrimp tempura. In the end, Caralyn got her eel roll and a gourmet rainbow roll, and Carter got 4 California rolls and one spicy salmon. I know 5 rolls is a lot, but trust me, my brother was a beast.

Caralyn and I didn't hesitate to dip into our wine. As soon as our server left the table, after performing some impressive wine service and poured to exact classy regulations, I grabbed the bottle and both glasses and decided to upgrade to what we called "the Quinn pour." This was basically our way of taking the bottle and pouring it's entire contents into both glasses in equal measure to ensure that we both got "our share" of the bottle. No more, no less.

Dinner with my siblings was nice. I sometimes got so caught up in my own life that I forgot how much I missed them. I took a big swig of my wine, letting it warm my insides as we chatted. It was almost sad how easily I felt my alcohol. Then again, I didn't eat much aside from my McDonalds fries.

"So Carter, how are things with Emma?" I asked. Emma is his girlfriend and one of my good friends from high school. She is a year younger than I am, and a year older than Carter. She was our neighbor growing up, so we were all always very close with her. As with all of the women in my life, Emma was beautiful. She was tall, about 5'10" with a model build. She had unique bone structure and full lips that gave her striking features, and long silky chocolate brown hair, olive skin, and freckles.

"Things are great! We see each other almost every weekend. She's actually on her way back to Spring Valley tonight if you wanted to see her before you leave."

"Yeah! That would be great actually. She mentioned that she would even bring me to my orientation tomorrow morning if you didn't want to," I added. It would be nice to spend some alone time with my friend before leaving for a month.

"Sure. I mean I can still bring you if you want, but if you two wanna go alone that's fine with me. So Caralyn... are you seeing anyone besides Dan?" Carter teased.

I thought her face tinted red but that could have been from the wine. I knew my face was feeling quite warm myself. She took a big swig before replying. "Shut up Carter, I'm not seeing Dan. He offered me a free drink, was I supposed to just decline it?"

"Yes," we both said in unison.

"How come your face is so red then?" I pressed on.

Her face split into a grin as she hovered her wine glass by her lips. "Because I did happen to meet someone."

Of course she did. I wanted to be happy for my sister, I really did, but it just seemed that year after year and boyfriend after boyfriend, I was the sibling who was always single. It was hard to watch your siblings and friends be so happy and to long for a love like that yourself. However, despite my jealousy, she always deserved my support. So, trying to be a supportive sister I took another huge gulp of my wine and responded enthusiastically. "Oh my gosh really? Do tell!"

Our food came right as Caralyn was wrapping up her story. Apparently, they met at a bar. Some sleazy guy had grabbed her butt and wouldn't leave her alone. So, as most women do, she turned to the handsome man behind her for help. His name was Grayson. Grayson told the guy to back off, and when he didn't, things got a little physical, punches thrown, you know, testosterone. Naturally, Caralyn found it extremely attractive that Grayson went to bat for her without even knowing her, and took him home immediately where they proceeded to have "gorilla sex" all night long. I know, romantic right? Straight out of a telenovela.

I had to give her some credit though because apparently it was still going well, and this happened a few months ago.

I was almost done eating when Caralyn asked me how my love life has been. At first, I shrugged her off by saying it was nonexistent, hoping she would move on but instead she asked, "so.. are you like, still a virgin?"

"Ew, Caralyn. I don't need to know these things about my sisters," Carter grimaced and set down the sushi he was holding.

I stilled and felt like my wine and sushi were going to come right back up. Yes, I had been a virgin up until my experience with Trent. I hadn't told my family about it or even Emma. Honestly, I was embarrassed and felt disgusted in myself, and after Alexa didn't believe me I assumed nobody would.

"Cass... are you okay?" Carter asked.

I shook my head and snapped back into it. "Huh?"

"Are you okay?" Caralyn repeated for him. "Did you do it? Was it terrible? I swear I'll kill the guy who broke my little sister's heart."

I shook my head. "It's not that..."

"Then what is it? We're your family, you can tell us anything. You know that right?" She pressed.

I took another big gulp of my wine and decided to confide in my siblings. I shared the entire experience, sugar coating it a little bit and not naming names, but it was essentially the full truth. By the time I was done talking, I had completely lost my appetite and my face was a blotchy mess. I was definitely not a cute crier. Just a few tears could turn my face red and blotchy in seconds. I couldn't even bring myself to look at Caralyn because I knew she was crying also, and seeing her cry always made it worse for me. Instead I looked at Carter, but when I saw a few tears in his eyes as well I almost lost it.

"Oh my gosh Cass... why didn't you tell us sooner? We could have helped you," Caralyn soothed.

"I'm gonna kill him," Carter muttered to himself. His fists were clenched so hard I thought he was going to snap his chopsticks in half.

"I don't know really. It's hard for me to talk about, and sometimes it feels like people won't believe my story since I was drinking when it happened."

Caralyn reached a hand out and set it on top of mine. "We believe you Cassie. What he did is NOT your fault, and it's NOT okay."

"Have you talked to mom about this?" Carter asked.

"No... and I don't plan on it. Please don't tell her you guys," I said rather panicked. I didn't want my mother knowing. I felt she would place some blame on me and I didn't think I could handle that. I could just hear her now: "Well why did you drink that much? You should really fix the lock on your door. Why was that man even at your house?"

"Cass, she's your mom. She loves you," Caralyn said, although I knew that she could tell that in mothers' eyes, we weren't all equal.

"Can we just put this behind us? Who wants dessert?" I said in a tone that indicated the conversation was over, and it was time to move on.


Hello Hello!

And just like that, Chapter 2 is finished! Once again, I realize my grammar isn't the best, and as a first draft it probably has some typos. Sorry about that. BUT, what do you all think? How was meeting Cassie's siblings? I am really excited to get to the "romance" part of the book, but all of this background I think is important in order to establish who Cassie is as a character. What do we think.. do we like her? I was trying to create a relatable character for people, and hope I am succeeding in this. As always, leave your comments and suggestions for me! I'm sure it will really help me out later when writers block sets in. I already had it on this chapter to be honest. Anyway, thanks for reading!


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