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Roses POV
I don't know how to start but I guess that I am in love with hawk. I don't know what to say I can't even stay near him it's like my cheeks are heating up my heart is beating faster. I don't know why????? Why should it be hawk????? I will say him my feelings tomorrow at least my heart feels releived .
Hawks POV
I don't know why I had this feeling but I think tomorrow is the right day far
me to say rose about my feelings for her.
The next day the gang was hanging there at their regular hangout.
Roses POV
I know I should just do it its now or never. So I went upto girls and asked for their help. They felt happy for me and hawk. I don't know what to say I really hoped for an advice but none of them are willing to give any advice. Instead they pushed me towards hawk and wished me luck. And here I go again my face is heating up and my heart is racing. Wow I can't show my face like this to him.
Hawks POV
I am hanging with Travis after rose took the girls away I don't know what is bothering her so much??? in these thoughts I saw girls pushing rose towards me and she is blushing. Ie wonder why is she blushing?? She came upto me and said "hey hawk I had something to talk with you would you please mind to come with me?". I said sure why not and went after her I guess this is the right time to tell her.
Roses POV
I take hawk to cinderellas garden and I started talking well more like stuttering " hawk........yo.u know I...I..I..have a feeling on you.
Hawks POV
What's happening I can feel my cheeks heating up and I suddenly started to loose my composure. But I heard something" hawk when you are near me it's like my heart is beating fast and my face is heating up is this what is called love if it is then I guess I..I..love you. What in the world did happened my love of life just proposed me it's like heaven to my ears now my face is heating up and my heart is racing is this cause of rose. I saw roses afraid face maybe she thinks I will reject her. I have to do else it will be too late for me. I said i love you too rose no need to be afraid and I went close to her. I couldn't resist but to rest my hands on her waist.
Roses POV
I don't know but to wonder what hawk is doing he came closer to me I think I am blushing now. I started stuttering I.....I....He then giggled a bit went back and said I am sorry for that I couldn't stop getting closer to you my princess. Now I really was blushing like a tomato. He saw that. Today it is not a good day to me.
Hawks POV
She blushed. She is so cute when she blush. I didn't even noticed that I was pinning her to wall she was that cute. I can't bear anymore but to admit it so I said you are too cute when you blush then I asked if you allow me. She blushed and asked allow you to do what ??
Roses POV
After I asked he said allow me to do this and pressed his lips against mine. He is kissing me wow am I in a dream or what is this really true. I started kissing him back. I thought that moment to never end

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