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Its two years since she left us. I searched almost everywhere but I couldnt find her. I suffered so much in this two years.....Why Rose why?Why did you abandon us leaving no trace behind?Do we mean nothing to you?Do I mean nothing to you?You just ruined my graduation day,my life just by abandoning me, I complained to her glass slipper


I was with ambrosia helping her to get love of her life by acting as her fake boyfriend, As he approached us she kissed me on my cheek, Just then a message arrived for Rose and she immediately started running I was worried about her, but I cant run after her because I am acting now(Ambrosia's love is a shy type, she knows he loves her but he needed a push because its already the day before graduation, so she decided to make him jealous to make him confess his love and hawk is acting as her fake boyfriend) After our gang went to their places the  prince who loves ambrosia came and proposed her and she got her happily ever after, I was heading back then I saw Rose's slipper lying on the floor I took that with me....( As travis dont know about the acting he asked rose if she is fine with hawk being ambrosia's boyfriend)


I dont have any Idea that I love her then,but after knowing I cant see her anymore I realized that I LOVE HER. I sometimes wonder, how our story is similar to cinderella's fairy tale,but in that her prince found her but I failed in finding her. I sighed as I gazed at clouds...This is how my mornings begin,thinking about her sometimes crying......if only I had realized my love before she disappeared,if only I confessed her before she left, things might have been different by now.I dont know why but I dont want to go to work today as I took leave and roaming in my own castle hoping I would find something. I went to my garden as I remembered her again. That is the exact reason I work even on my weekends, she haunts me every single day, even I get nightmares and I didnt even get a peaceful sleep for 2 years now, I sighed again. Just as I was about to go back to my room my servants came and said I had a visitor, but I wasnt expecting anyone right now I thought as I said " say them to wait in my study I will come after I get ready" because I know only people who visits me is for business. I went to my room got ready and I am going downstairs


I woke up early in the morning because I need to face my worst nightmare today, the love of my life living happily with my friend. I wish that I had courage to confess my love right away after knowing I love him. Atleast then I dont have any regrets, if only.....I said to myself "there is no way to change the past so accept it and deal with it" as tears started forming I wiped them away harshly and got up. I saw his photo on my phone and a smile crept on my face. I know admiring someone who belongs to someone else is a crime but I can't help it you know....I am in love with him even after these years, what to do I cant move on like they say or show in movies, I got ready slowly because I don't want to meet him, you know it may seem childish like kids take time to get ready to go to school because they don't want to go thinking maybe something will happen so that they can stay home that's exactly what I am doing now. I am taking my time and preparing myself for the worse....you know what I woke up at 4:00 am started getting ready and now its 9:00 am I am at the gate. I know I killed so much time but its worth it I am now ready to face him or atleast that's what I thought as I am taking a step towards my destination the more I am second guessing myself thinking about the possibilities about his life. I finally reached the destination, with a heavy heart I ringed the calling bell. I was said to wait for him at his study. After sometime I heard some footsteps my heart started increasing its pace, for every second the tension in the air started rising. let me tell you my internal battle

MY HEART: Its not to late to run away

MY BRAIN: You have to face this, besides where can you run away now?

MY HEART: I don't know, maybe jump out of the window


MY HEART: You know right, I Cant think when I am thumping this faster

MY BRAIN: what can I expect from you, you backstabber

MY HEART: you are behaving like you are well prepared, but moment ago I remember you are the one second guessing yourself.

Just then I heard the door knob and my internal battle came to an end.............

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