1-k special ( An emergency)

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I am nervous, I am worried, I feel guilt rising in me... If something happen I don't know what to do
(Rose was in her 9th month of pregnancy as doctor said delivery date is near. Hawk was taking care of her daily chores like making her brush etc..) he was really tired of his work and he just fall asleep, while suddenly rose got pains. She cried and started calling hawks name.. but he didn't respond as he was far asleep. Then she got unconscious because of that pain... Few minutes passed by as Gigi saw rose and then decided to wake hawk up he tried his level best to wake hawk up but he didn't woke up. 20 minutes passed by as Gigi broke flowervase he finally woke up seeing rose in a unconscious state as she fall on floor. He started to panic he called hospital but as it is late night doctors already left and there is only a junior doctor in hospital. So he decided to call his family doctor. His family doctor departed from his house as hawk alerted his and her relatives about her. The doctor came along with 3 nurses and they went into the room and requested hawk and others to stay out.
Hawk is roaming here and there with a worried expression.
She was in an unconcious stage. I can't proceed like this I should inform them first. As I went out and said hawk both of them are in danger, I will try my level best to save them both. Hawk started panicking as I went in and started to prepare for surgery. I took forceps and other instruments out and started surgery.
After a few minutes doctor came out as hawk curiously looked at him.
( Guys I cannot find suitable ending for this so I made it short and will think of some ending and try to update soon)

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