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ROSES POV                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I dont understand why my granny always expects me to fall in love with some guy, does she think that all the princesses are born just to love some prince and get married to him? if so, she had another thing coming at her. I wont fall in love with some prince...(she was sulking sitting in her favorite rose garden. Earlier she had a fight with her granny because she crossed 20 yet she didnot fall in love with any of the princes she met in the ball and she left in middle of fight) Just then I heard some rustling in the bushes. I went near the bushes and found a man mightbe a prince because of the clothes he wear, but I was uncertain as his face is facing down. He lifted his face and I dont know what but I stared at him. I felt as if I took my eyes of him he might flee away, crazy right. He got up and said" ok you got me what do you want ms.fangirl?" What me his fangirl thats the last straw......My granny is expecting me to get married and here a prince who I dont know till date comes here and says I am his fangirl.

ROSE        : What do you think of yourself? A prince charming whom every girl is waiting there to get charmed by you.(he seemed a bit shocked)

PRINCE    : You dont know me?(with wide eyes)

ROSE        : Am I supposed to know you?

PRINCE    :No... its not like that, I thought you are one of my fangirl.

ROSE        :(her face is red in anger) Excuse me! to tell you this but I am not your fangirl and never in a million years will I be your fangirl.

PRINCE   :I...I... am sorry I didnt mean it that way

ROSE       :(she looked at his face and sighed) I am sorry too. I shouldnt have shouted on you. I am really in a bad mood.

PRINCE   :Oh then, I am sorry for bothering you at a time like this but can you please hide me somewhere.

ROSE       : ( totally taken aback) Huh....?( just then a bunch of girls came)

PRINCE   : Oh no they are coming here please......

Rose looked at the girls and started sweating...(because she wasnt used to get attention because she just wears a mask in all balls) she called for her dragon as they both got on its back.

PRINCE   : I am sorry for the way I am Hawk snowwhite and let me tell you this it is really awkward to say it because I never need any introduction.

ROSE       : Oh I am Ro...(she was about to say her name but it will blew her cover because she is always popular in balls but she never had courage to take her mask as she really afraid of letting the pressure to her normal life) roselina nice meeting you.

HAWK     : So roselina how come I never seen you before?

ROSE      : You see I am not a princesses who seek attention so you may not know me.

HAWK    : Is that so? But I definitely remember you considering you are so pretty(he said huskily)

ROSE     : (blushed hard but got it covered and kept a stern face) are you trying to flirt with me?

HAWK   :( saw everything even her blush and smirked) Maybe or maybe not? who knows?

ROSE    : ( saw her granny down getting all tensed and searching for her) Oh no...

HAWK   : What is it? (just when he was about to see what is there in down she quickly rode her dragon and made hawk got down from it and flew away)

HAWK   :(yelling) ARE YOU DITCHING ME?( as he watched her disappear he smiled to himself saying this girl was something) Just when I was about to turn I saw my fangirls surrounding me. Oh no......

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