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I can't believe my eyes. I stared at her I just want to look into her eyes,but she just looked down. I found her so nervous. I don't know why. I went to her and made her look into my eyes. Both of us never wanted to break the moment untill I said   "I love you Rose!......" She then looked away totally blushing. I can see a small smile plastered on her lips suddenly a small frown then she looked at me and asked "really?!" I said really. She then said I love you too. I felt my world stopped. I just want to be with her. But wish my luck the bell rung and we rushed into the classroom.
When they arrived to the class all boys and girls stared at them dreamily. Hawk shot glares at the boys who are staring at rose. They went to sit in their places. Then the team hugged rose and said we missed you rose please don't get homeschooled again.....they said as they remembered the boring days they spent while rose was gone. She smiled a bit and said. No I will not do that again. Then they broke the hug and sat in their respective places. Hawk sat beside rose.
The class is not so bad compared to my mom's class she muttered but hawk heard her and giggled then he whispered into her ear "is it that bad" rose blushed and said yes.( Meanwhile hawk is just enjoying the cute expressions on her face)
It's my granny's class but I am not paying attention at all she called out my name but I was just staring at rose dreamily untill rose said"hawk professor is calling your name" I then came to my senses and said huh..and looked at my granny. She was arrogant and said"meet me at my office" I thought that I am hooked. After class I went to my granny and said sorry granny.. she scolded me for a while then said you can leave. I was pale she noticed and called me and said "Hawk I know you like rose but please listen to classes" I blushed and asked " how do you know about that? " She replied isn't that obvious I turned and want to leave. I went to garden then I saw something rose is running, I wonder why then I saw some boys are chasing her. Then back at her I guess this is because of the CHANGE in her. she saw me then came towards me and said ple-ase huh... He-lp huh. Then she saw the crowd and started running again. I thought looks like she had some fanboys... Then my fangirls saw me  and then chased towards me I thought oh..oh.. and started running we both started running. Then I asked her where to hide now... As we are talking we reached dead end. Then they saw us smirked and started coming towards us
We are hooked what do we do now I asked. He replied I don't know. Then he looked at me and said I got an idea.. I replied what is that. Then he came close to me and said let us kiss(while they were just going back step by step) what no?! I replied blushing. But there is no other way he said in a panic. Then we hit the wall. I then had no choice I grabbed him by the collar and started kissing him (hawk was fully into the kiss he didn't notice what's going on) then rose broke the kiss and asked is it working.(NOTE: rose broke the kiss but they are still close ) hawk replied yes it is working for me those are so soft. What I replied then understood what he is speaking about (her lips). Hawk I whisper yelled furiously blushing then said about the plan. He then came into his senses oh yeah right he then saw around and said that all left. I sighed. Then I released his collar.
She released my collar. I then mumbled myself " god her lips, what did they do to me I just lost control " I wanna kiss her again he thought to himself. Then he looked at rose who was blushing. Then he thought to himself control hawk. Then she said I should leave now it's getting late. She started leaving wait I said she turned can.. I ask you something. Yes she replied I .. I may I come with you till the alley."wow great I can't even ask her what I wanted" oh yes no problem she said we went silently till the alley. We reached alley then she said bye...(wow common hawk she is leaving just do it he thought) then I grabbed her hand made her turn around and then started to kiss her. She blushed for the instant action but she kissed back. Then after few minutes hawk broke the kiss. Then rose saw his face flustered. Then she went to earth waving him. She then leaned her back to the wall and thought about the kiss. Then she mumbled herself I wish that moment never end........

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