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(3 years later.......Rose completed her fashion designing and returned to her previous city)


I was in airport collecting my luggage...I am wearing sunglasses and a scarf anyone can barely notice that it is me. I am taking my trolley and walking I noticed Travis waiting there, he waved at me...........HOW DID HE FIND OUT IT IS ME? AND WHY THE HELL IS HE HERE? I am panicking just then I turned back to see Lingling coming my way.....So he didnot notice me, I released my breathe which I was holding this whole time.Just then Lingling dashed into me making my glasses fall down.......I am now officially been found out. I picked my sunglasses as fast as I could and literally ran away from them. I dont know if they noticed me or not. I am too afraid to look.I reached my home to see my mom and dad in a hurry, after we all caught up with each other I retired to my room as my brain played scenes from the day before graduation. I sighed as I slept.

NEXT DAY.......


I did my chores and got down only to find Travis and Lingling. They saw me we all are shocked at the same time. ROSE a whisper escaped from travis mouth. My heart is thumping harder. Then my mom came and set the table for breakfast.(Travis and Lingling are trying to avoid breakfast but after seeing rose they silenty sat down to have breakfast) Everyone is eating their breakfast in complete silence and I am receiving a series of glares from my friends. Wow I am going to face them now.( After completing breakfast.....)

CLARA      : hey you go with your friends Rose I can manage dishes

ROSE        : Its ok mom I will help you....

TRAVIS     : Listen to your mother Rose (while glaring her)

LINGLING: Ya Rose come with us.

ROSE        : but mom....


( with no other option left she excused herself to change clothes meanwhile travis called team to a meeting)


I am walking with them....seriously I dont know where they are taking me. "so..." I started but their faces are serious and they are giving me silent treatment .wow I think I am in a big trouble. Eventually we headed towards alley way from there we went to our usual hang out spot.I saw astoria,joy coming towards us. they came as I saw shock evident in their eyes. I said hi and waved my hand.


I cant believe my eyes. Rose is infront of our eyes tears started rolling down my cheek as I hugged her before she could hug back I broke the hug and slapped her cheek. As I started "Do you know how worried we are? You just vanished into thin air. We searched for you everywhere but we could not find you. Do you even care about us?we should be happy on graduation day but you made us cry...You are a selfish person Rose, you left us without any clue just to pursue your so called dreams...You know how much we cried for you? Do you know how hawk reacted when you went away? he stopped coming he busied himself in work and now he didnt come just like always.You know we lost two friends just because of your stupid stupid dream" and so I finished my rambling suddenly she started crying so did others we group hugged after a lot of crying we settled down.

ROSE            : I am sorry guys. I really am. You remember that I got text na


ROSE            :She showed them the message.

TRAVIS         : so you are in paris this whole time.

ROSE            :Yes, I wanted to tell you but I am scared of your reactions.Lot of stupid things                happened in our home which resulted in going next flight. As I am afraid I asked granny not to tell because I wanted to tell you but I lost your numbers along with my phone.

LINGLING   : oh,but we are still angry on you, you have to plan our wedding to compensate

ROSE            :Whose wedding?!(Lingling blushed and looked at Travis as he wrapped an arm  around her and said their wedding)

ROSE             :WHAT?! (she screamed on top of her lungs and started squealing) Tell me about   your story what I missed.( After updating Travis and Lingling story,)wow that was great she squealed.

the group giggled as they got their friend back as it is without any change to her personality

ROSE      : So when is your wedding?

TRAVIS   : This weekend.(she squealed again) 

ASTORIA:WHOA girl hold your horses

ROSE       :scratching her neck,sorry got a little bit carried away.

JOY          : Thats rose for you.

after they catched up a bit, Rose asked about hawk then the team kept silent.........joy finally broke the ice by saying

JOY          :After you left he searched for you everywhere we managed  to make him understand the reality but after that he busied himself in work and stopped meeting us. Now we just know his adress thats all.(She gave rose his adress) He really want to talk to you rose you should go..

ROSE     :I will go but now I need to go to my granny, she really want to see me I will go when I am free(and gave a nervous laugh) anyways bye guys see you later.


That was a close call. I am really not ready to face the reality. But after knowing what he done I guess I should go. I troubled them enough I should go to him infact I will meet him tomorrow. But I really didnt realise it sooner about their feelings( she sighed herself)


That was weird. They looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders and finally retired themselves to their respective castles

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