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I could'nt even confess my feelings. I am mad at myself and I am throwing everything I see. When I took the glass on table I found a letter. It says

" Dear Hawk,

I am stupid you may wonder why? let me explain....When the message came I was in dilemma to go or not, I decided not to go.....But when Travis called me and informed me about your relationship with Ambrosia I got jealous, I did'nt want to stay any longer so I decided to go......As I dont want to see my love with my friend I didnt want to keep in contact, But now I realized I done a great mistake not contacting you. When I am in paris I had a regret and that is not confessing my feelings to you now I dont want to repeat the same mistake.......HAWK SNOWWHITE I FALL IN LOVE DEEPLY WITH YOU.... I cant get you off my mind. I wanted to move on but I cant.I LOVE YOU

                                                    Yours truly,

                                                          ROSE CINDERELLA"

I got tears in my eyes seeing it. I started running.....When I saw Rose I was about to call her but she turned back and stood rooted to ground. I went to her and hugged her as if my life is depended on it. 


He hugged me, I dont know why, He broke the hug and looked into my eyes saying the most magical words in my life " I LOVE YOU TOO". He kissed me and that moment I feel like my fairy tale finally came to an end.

(After this Hawk went normal, Rose prepared Travis and Lingling wedding, Astoria and Shawn wedding as her punishment, Hawk and Rose announced their marriage on Joys wedding and they lived happily ever after)

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