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I am glad that the fight is over with...(Cinderella and rose patched up). I wonder who is that hawk prince might be. I remember that he said he is a snow-white......... Well it is a famous fairytale.. maybe he is really popular judging by his looks and that herd which is been following him. He seemed pretty confident unlike me...... (Sigh). I am a coward,aren't I gigi?(gigi-her pet mouse)(gigi nodded her head in approval) sigh..... I wish I was brave enough to remove the mask and tell the world I am granddaughter of the Cinderella but I am afraid that they might be disappointed to see me behind that mask(she is saying this while petting gigi, a tear rolled down her eye). Will they think what my stepsister ruby thinks of me. Will they bully me like my stepsister does?will they say I am ugly?(gigi nodded in disapproval, rose giggled) I hope you are right gigi.....I hope(she said as she lied on bed)
Just then Clara opened the door and sat beside her daughter.
CLARA  : Rose, are you alright? I heard ruby bullied you again.
ROSE.   : I am fine mon,don't worry it's all water under the bridge,besides it is normal for her to bully me right
CLARA. : Why don't you complain to granny about her behaviour?
ROSE.    : She is my sister mom..... How can I make her cry?
CLARA.  : You are being to kind Rose..
ROSE      :Leave that,but how did you know ?
CLARA.   : I am your mother after all...
ROSE.     : Awee...
(They hugged each other)
CLARA.   : Leave that aside see what I found(she handed a poster on which there is 50% off on shoes)
ROSE.     : SCREAM.....
CLARA.   : But I can't come with you, you know my mom is apparently preparing the ballroom for your birthday ball. So can you please bring the for me.
ROSE.     : Sure mom..
CLARA.   : You know my size.
ROSE.      : (Giggled) ok mom.
CLARA.   : Take care sweety bye, oh by the way come home early you should pick your outfit for your birthday.
ROSE.     : OK MOM!
Maybe this will be a distraction.... Will you come gigi?( Gigi nodded his head) ok then let's go......
ROSE.    : Wow that felt great. Now where shall we go..... I guess I am hungry what about you gigi
Gigi.       : ( He placed a hand on his grumbling stamache)
ROSE.    : (GIGGLED) ok then let's go to that shop.
I went to the adjacent shop and ordered a pumpkin pie along with pumpkin juice and cheese for gigi. My order arrived... everyone around me started paying attention to me. I was scared so I took my order and headed out towards the park... I was having my pie when someone came and sat beside me... I looked in that direction only to find Hawk snow white sitting beside me.
HAWK.  : Hey we met again...princess Rosella
ROSE.    : Yeah, I guess we met again prince Hawk.
HAWK.  : So you remember my name huh..not bad
ROSE.    : I am good at remembering things.
HAWK.  : So, what are you doing here princess
ROSE.    :( Just then a herd of princesses came following hawk) Enjoying my privacy untill someone or may I say a group of princesses along with a prince invaded it. ( As she took her belongings and climbed on her dragon)
HAWK.   : Wait are you going to leave me...
ROSE.     : Ugh... Climb on
HAWK.   : So is it your pet it's so cute.... He said while petting gigi.
ROSE.     : Yeah, unlike some princesses in that herd.
HAWK.   : OKAY...okay... I am sorry. Can you please stop mocking me.
ROSE.     :(SIGH) Sorry, just got carried away.
HAWK.   : So where are we going now?
ROSE.      : Enchanted forest, they can't find us in there
HAWK.   : Okay then.
ROSE.      : Hang on tight.
(They reached the enchanted forest and sat near a tree)
ROSE.      : I used to come here when I am feeling down....
HAWK.    : Are you feeling down because of me?
ROSE.      : like that, I wish my life isn't complicated.(sigh)
HAWK.    :Every one's life is complicated.... We just have to face it with a brave face.
ROSE.      : Easy for you to say....
HAWK.    : (giggled) You know it's not easy to be me... Sometimes I even get scared of the herd of princesses.
ROSE.       :( Turned to say something but when she looked into his eyes she forgot everything)
Gigi.          :( While they got caught in staring competition gigi started pulling roses skirt to tell it is late)
ROSE.        : Oh no... It is late better get going, bye Hawk....
HAWK.      : There she goes ditching me for the second time...she is something....ROSELINA(sighs dreamily...)

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