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I entered my study and immediately sat down on couch paying no attention to the person infront of me because I am least interested in business now. As there is no greeting from the other side I looked up and there it is the greatest shock of my life....I widened my eyes followed by rubbing my eyes, then I pinched myself thinking it is a dream but guess what it hurts, then it must be reality....I was thinking while I heard her laughing her heart out. That voice is like a melody to my ears and I started staring at her after a while she stopped laughing. I got out of my lala land while she said sorry for laughing. The truth is I want to hug her and never let her leave me, but I don't know if she is single or had a boyfriend or worst is getting married. I should not let my guard down I thought and asked her to sit down in a professional way, her face turned so pale. As much as it pains to hurt her, I want to let her experience the pain she gave us so this time when she had a thought of leaving, she will remember us.


I saw him, my heart skipped a beat. I was staring at him while he payed no attention to me and seated on couch, I guess he is thinking this as a business deal because he dressed so formal and now seated like he is a professional. After a minute or so he lifted his head, I was hell nervous, I saw his expressions first he was shocked then he widened his eyes, I guess he thought it was a dream he rubbed his eyes, I was trying hard to control my laugh when he pinched himself and yelled in pain and that's the last straw I started laughing, after some time I controlled myself as I heard him saying "please sit down" as he is meeting his business partners. I was more than sad, it pains. I sat down.

ROSE : I am sorry Hawk please can you forgive me. Its my fault I agree but please hear my side of the story, please...

HAWK: Huh.... what should I hear about?( He asked in a professional way)

ROSE : Ok fine play it that way, but listen I went to paris to learn fashion designing, you know it was my dream, and it happened so sudden that message, packing, flight I was not able to think properly, I thought I will say you after reaching there but I forgot my phone here in granny's castle, what can I do.... I did'nt even contact my parents after reaching paris. 

HAWK: Now you are saying you had a dream and after you will marry someone and say I loved him and sorry for not inviting to our marriage that's it?( I asked her with full of anger). I continued Do you even consider us as your friends? ( she started sobbing, oh no...I did'nt mean to hurt her) I am sorry I didnt mean to hurt you...

ROSE : Its alright Hawk it was my fault, I should have said you when that message arrived rather than running right away, I should have contacted you before leaving....(she said while crying)

HAWK: Its okay Rose atleast now you came back to us..... I thought you left us permanently( I said as tears formed in my eyes) lets leave it.... so how is life I asked her diverting topic.

ROSE : ( I am glad he changed topic) I am a fashion designer now I am trying to set a boutique here. I had some designs already lets hope it will be a hit.

HAWK: Oh I am glad to hear that.

ROSE : So what about you? How is ambrosia?( She asked as she felt sad, she don't want hawk to notice as she started drinking the water in front of her)

HAWK: She is fine I guess, she hardly talks to me as she is always busy with her boyfriend, I guess they are planning for their wedding.

ROSE : (choked her water) WHAT?!

HAWK: Why are you so surprised?

ROSE : Its...Its just that Travis said you two are in relationship just before I took off to paris

HAWK:(Started laughing )

ROSE : What?

( Hawk said her the whole story as she felt so happy)

HAWK: Did you really think I was Ambrosia's boyfriend

ROSE : Um.....yeah?

HAWK: WOW THAT WAS TOO FUNNY. Me and Ambrosia eww...

ROSE : (giggled) So what are you doing

HAWK: I am dealing with business along with being a hero.


As they continued filling in details on each others life.


OMG, She is still single, maybe I still have a chance, this time I will never let her go.


I am so stupid, I should atleast have contacted them. Now I will confess my feelings to him, I wont wait like last time....But I had no courage to confess him.... just then he excused himself and went out. I took a paper and pen and started writing what I felt for him in a letter and kept it on table placing water glass on it. (Meanwhile he went out and practicing how to confess her). He came after few minutes.


I want to say something to you Rose... I..I...I (I started stammering) after a long pause I guess I had a meeting now. I can feel she is disappointed but she don't know I am even more disappointed on myself. She excused herself and started leaving.


I am feeling sad, I wanted to spend time with him, but what can I do he had a meeting. I started leaving. I am at the gate now... don't look back...don't look back... I am chanting it as a mantra. But my body is not in my control I looked back as I saw hawk running....(  she took babysteps from his study as she don't want to leave)

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