08: Scramble Vs PS4

Start from the beginning

I scoffed before actually laughing, this dude.


You know the Heimlich maneuver?

I replied as I put on a short after changing from my large size boxers to boxer briefs now, I was taking precautions against unexpected or uncontrollable erections. I was going to Khalid's room anyway

Yeah but he's choking on Oxygen, he has really big nostrils so he took in a lot, greedy bastard, I did warn him not to hog all the Oxygen.

I had a smile plastered on my face as I read that. He was so nice I couldn't even imagine him being offensive so reading this really cracked me up


Try using Helium to empty his lungs.

I replied as I got my keys and left my room locking it behind me.

He sent a number of laughing emojis.

Just bring your paramedic arse here my friend is dying is this how you work?


No sir, I'll be there in a flash.

I replied as I put my phone away into my pocket, my face still bright with a smile. I felt really chirpy that Khalid just invited me to his room, which surprised me. I had no idea that something so little would make me this blissful.

Finding his room wasn't easy though, where even was B21? It was supposed to be on the same floor but I'd walked through almost every hallway on this floor. I had to retrace my steps following the route I'd previously seen Khalid go through before I found it. B21 was boldly written in a bright red colour on the far top of the large fibreglass door.

I knocked over three times before the door was finally attended to, the first two times were a bit too soft so I made the third one louder. The door was finally pulled open gently, revealing Khalid in a big pink t-shirt and pyjama pants. His face lit up with a smile which he turned into a frown just as quickly when he saw me.

"Ten minutes Olly, Ten frigging minutes" he said holding up his phone to my face for me to see "don't worry, my friend is dead you can go now" he joked closing the door a little before finally pulling it open and stepping aside for me to enter as he tapped my lower back close to my waist region.

I jerked a little when I felt his hand come in contact with my body, this was something very ordinary to regular guys but for some reason it didn't feel so normal to me and coming from Khalid, I had silly ideas coming into my head now.

I've been told so many times of how effeminate I was so I just rolled my eyes at him in the most masculine way possible as I got in and stood close to him by the door.

"Come in man" he said putting his hand over my shoulder gently pulling me in with him after he'd shut the door.

His arm felt so warm and muscular, it fit so perfectly around my neck mainly because of the height difference between us. I dismissed these thoughts just as briskly as they came to mind.

I refused to lead myself to walk on a path that would trail off at a dead end, hurting myself emotionally was like a habit for me in highschool, I kept letting myself have stupid crushes that only remained that, crushes. The worst part of it all was that these crushes I had were for the most confirmed straight guys I knew.

People usually say sexuality is a spectrum but I had a common belief that boys had certain people they could be gay for, and if you're not the right person who can bring a straight guy to the other side of the spectrum, you're in for a world of hurt and possibly bullying and shame for the rest of your life if you act blindly on those feelings.

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