Thank You

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The final chapter has been done. So with a tearful yet happy heart, I am closing Snippets. My heartfelt appreciation to all of you who have been on this wonderful journey with me. This is the first book I dedicated to AlDub/MaiChard. It gave me a lot of happy moments. Somehow writing it became cathartic for me. It became my refuge during painful moments when it became too much on the outside and I wanted to shut everything and everyone out. Still is. I primarily started this for myself. Because I need good stories of my couple. Sadly there seems to be very little of them these days. I told myself that it doesn't matter if no one reads it, I just want to write something that I wanted to read too and make me happy. If reading this little treasure of mine did those things to you too, then I am glad that I was able to help. Reading your comments is one of the highlights of my day. Forgive me if it takes me a while to reply or respond as I usually stay away from wattpad for a couple of days after each new posting to clear my head - and my notepad - and get myself ready for a new one. Thoughts, ideas and inspirations comes to me randomly. It could be from what I see on tv to everyday scenes like a family eating out and I start to make scenarios in my head about them. And I still have a lot kept in my old trusted kahoy na baul 😄
If you are still sticking with me for a new journey, then you are most welcome. We'll be heading over to Moments, another AlDub/MaiChard book. And I have a few separate short books I have in mind in writing. I already put out a short one "Five Days" previously and hoping I could put up a few more.

A thousand thank yous would not suffice to make you feel the utmost gratitude I feel in my heart. Just know that I am truly grateful. Thank you ever so much! 😊❤️

"When I say thank you,
I meant it from my heart.
You have been very supportive,
Right from the start.
If someone motivates you to excel in life,
It becomes easy to surpass and strive.
So thanks a lot for your loving thoughts."


Much love to everyone!

Jax ❤️

Dec 28, 2017
Jan 11, 2020

SnippetsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon