Taehyung, unsure of what to say, just sat there and stared at the youngest seated beside him. Internally debating on how to answer the question, Taehyung exhaled a sigh as he glanced away from him and looked out onto the empty field.

"I woke up and something felt off," He answered with a mere shrug of his shoulders as he glanced back at the raven-haired boy beside him, "I checked your room and saw you weren't in bed or anywhere inside the house. So . . . I may have gotten a little concerned as to why you suddenly disappeared. Then, I saw you out here and was curious why you were out here by yourself and not in bed asleep."

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he shook his head a little at the blond, mumbling, "I can take care of myself." Taehyung heard him, only rolling his eyes as well at the attitude the youngest was portraying.

"I didn't say you couldn't," The eldest mumbled under his breath, but loud enough for Jungkook to hear him. The ravenette refrained himself from rolling his eyes again at the alpha, instead growing quiet as he refocused on the sky.

The tension around them was there, and they both could feel it with the chirping crickets surrounding them. Jungkook had grown a little annoyed that his alone time had been cut short and was now sitting there with Taehyung by him.

But he kept quiet, not uttering a word as he enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere around him. However, Taehyung was sitting awfully close to him. So close, he could feel the heat radiating from the older's body through his thin blanket.

Jungkook glanced over, noticing how Taehyung was barely able to keep his eyes open as he sat on the grass with his hands shoved in his lap like a little kid. The innocent position made him look small in Jungkook's eyes, and he almost smiled at how cute he looked.


He had to look away, though, unsure of how much longer he'll be able to contain a straight face without his stomach doing flips by how cute he looked with his messy blond hair, pouted bottom lip, and heavy-lidded eyes.

He shook his head to rid of the thoughts that were piling in, uncertain as to why he was suddenly feeling warm and fuzzy inside every time he looked at him or heard his deep voice. It was driving him crazy, unable to stop thinking about the man sitting beside him on the grass.

"If you're so tired, why don't you just go inside?" He asked the elder, glancing over to see how Taehyung could barely keep his eyes open as he sat there in the chilling weather.

Taehyung had slowly turned his head and opened his eyes enough to gaze at the youngest, an unamused expression plastering his delicate features, "Bite me."

This had Jungkook chuckling through his nose, eyes shifting into small crescents as he rolled his head back to go back to admiring the twinkling stars. "No need in being rude," He mumbled under his breath, but still found it amusing how snippy Taehyung was when he was tired.

"Sorry," Taehyung yawned, "M'just tired."

"Then go to bed," Jungkook stated, turning his neck and looking back at the blond-haired male seated beside him with his hands shoved into his lap, "I don't need a babysitter."

"Why are you really out here?" Taehyung had asked, his voice a little softer this time as he spoke to the boy lying on the hard ground with his hands behind his head, using them as a pillow, cushioning the hard surface beneath him.

Jungkook stared at the male, unsure of how to answer the question, despite it being innocent and just out of curiosity. But he couldn't help but feel like there was more to it than that.

Maybe he hadn't been able to sleep because of how often he was brainstorming and thinking over the plan. Some nights were sleepless nights, while others he was so exhausted he couldn't help but pass out right then and there and not give the plan another thought.

This plan and receiving vengeance was what kept him up most nights, so he technically wasn't lying when he had told the older he wasn't able to sleep. Maybe more like he wasn't telling him the whole truth, but he wouldn't dare to speak about what was going on inside his head.

"Like I said," He mumbled with a simple shrug of his shoulders as he turned his head and gazed up at the glistening canopy of stars painted across the black canvas above him, "Couldn't sleep."

He heard Taehyung hum, and he could only imagine the blond nodding as he did so. He didn't feel his burning gaze settled on the side of his face anymore, which had meant he was no longer staring at the young alpha and making him grow a little uncomfortable.

He felt the tension leave his body, finally able to relax and admire the stars like he had come to do when he was alone. But now he had Taehyung beside him and refusing to go back inside and leave him be.

No one else was up at this time of night, and it was a little surprising that Taehyung was still awake at only God knows what time it was. And Jungkook couldn't help but wonder what his real reason as to why he was awake.

Maybe he did happen to wake up and notice Jungkook wasn't in his bedroom fast asleep like everyone else, but something inside Jungkook was telling him this wasn't the case.

That part of him was telling him there was a deeper meaning, and as much as he hated to even think this, he couldn't help but wonder the reason why Taehyung was so tired was because he was waiting for the alpha to come back inside so he knew he was safe.

Maybe that's why Jungkook found himself sitting up and allowing the blanket to fall from his chest, pooling around his waist. This had the blond looking over with furrowed eyebrows and a parted mouth as he watched the boy neatly fold the blanket before he stood.

Jungkook had tucked the now folded cover under his arm as he stood there and peered down at Taehyung, who was gazing up at him through hooded eyes, "Let's go to bed."

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